The last few days, Harmon has wandered into our bedroom early in the morning and we’ve pulled him into bed to go back to sleep with us. Usually, he falls right back asleep and is snoring in no time. And, he’s so cute and warm and snuggly that it’s hard to resist him. We don’t want him thinking he can do this every morning but it’s hard. All this reminds us of those early days when we all would sleep in and take naps together all the time.
Up there!
Our Christmas tree is in place and partially decorated (we SO need a SET of ornaments) and Harmon loves it. He wants the lights to be on all the time and he loves to point out the colors of said lights. He also, apparently, wants to climb up into the tree. Every day since we put the tree up, he walks up to it and says “up there!” I’m not sure what business he has up in that tree but he definitely wants up there for something.
Panic in salary report town
On Tuesday, the University released its list of highest paid employees. Kevin and I were talking about this and Kevin said the following:
“I wonder when the salary report is going to be released so we can all spend a day being pissed!”
Since we work at a public university, the salary report is available for all to see (in fact, the student newspaper has a link to it). It’s REAL nice to review that report and find out that a co-worker got a four percent raise when you were told EVERYONE is getting three percent and, because of budget concerns, there isn’t any room for bigger increases this year.
Good times!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007

ADDENDUM: As many "teenage" girls do from time to time, Isabel decided last night that she did not want to hang out with Mom and Dad. After Harmon went to bed, we took her downstairs while I wrapped presents and Aimee walked on the treadmill. After about 20 minutes, I realized I had not seen her in a while and Aimee did not see her come in the exercise room. Sure enough, I went upstairs and she had assumed her position under the Christmas tree. She can easily scale the 12 steps and even comes down them, with a little coaxing.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Last night, we were chasing Harmon around the basement and it made me think of something that happened down there a few weeks ago. I was chasing him one night and he ran behind the couch. Since our couch doesn’t sit flush with the wall, there is a little “gap” and that is where he ran. He was running and screaming and yelling and his little head was bobbing like crazy. As he reached the “gap," his head hit the wall and then bounced off the wall and hit the couch. It looked like a freakin’ pinball! After making sure he was OK (he was totally fine), I could not stop laughing. And, every single time I think about it, I die over and over again.
R2 to A2
I’m cautiously optimistic about this hire, although it’s no secret that Miles was my first choice. I like that Rodriguez is young and fiery and that he is an offensive genius, credited with inventing the spread offense. I like that he will bring a fresh perspective to a program that really needed it. I like that he will bring in his own coaches (maybe a special teams’ coach, pretty please, and maybe a new strength and conditioning coach too). I also am excited about what I will see on the field and, hell, if he can win at WV, it seems he can only do better with the talent and resources at Michigan.
However, there are things that worry me too. WV played in a weaker conference and had looser academic standards so adjustment will be an issue. Also, will Michigan’s personnel fit his offensive scheme? He has no ties to Michigan and that scares me a bit when it comes to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry. Actually, the last coach that came from the “outside” was John Cooper and he proceeded to go 2-10-1 against Michigan (yikes). I worry that it’s TOO much change and Michigan will end up like Nebraska. I also worry that, if he does have success at Michigan, he will leave when a better opportunity (college or NFL) comes along. If he left his whole life back in WV, leaving Michigan won’t be a big deal at all. My last worry – does he really want to be at Michigan – came to realization today. I read that, at first, he told Michigan no before he said yes and that he left WV because of some issues with the athletic department (some changes he wanted that hadn’t been made yet). To me, this seems like taking your ball and going home but who knows.
Obviously, I love my alma mater (my son is named Harmon for Christ’s sake) and I want Rich Rodriguez to be a great coach that will take Michigan football to a whole new level. I truly hope this happens. But, if it doesn’t, I’ll look back on this info and forever be sad:
Gary also had some really interesting things to say about the Les Miles’ deal. He talks to Les regularly as the lead color guy for the SEC and he claims that Les would have "taken $100,000" to coach at Michigan. He went on to explain that Michigan didn't really want Les Miles and it was unfortunate that Miles didn't even get a change to alleviate Martin's concerns about him as a possible Head Coach at Michigan. Les wanted Michigan but Michigan didn't want Les, only time will tell if this was a bad decision by Michigan but always understand this … Les was the best man for the job. Les Miles was a Michigan man who left Ann Arbor to learn more, expand his recruiting base and add to the Schembechler tradition, too bad he wasn't given the chance to prove it.
Quoted from:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Two years and one month
It’s Dec. 12 already and Harmon is one month into his second year. His 25-month birthday was greeted with a second case of bronchiolitis (he had it the first time last January). Kevin spent almost all of Monday afternoon with him at the doctor’s office, where he received two breathing treatments. He was sucking wind so bad he could barely cough. But, since he came home with some antibiotics and oral steroids, he’s bounced back much quicker than before. He’s pretty much back to normal, with the exception of a coughing fit here or there.
Lost in the shopping and cookie baking and tree decorating is the fact that Harmon is doing awesome with the whole big boy bed thing. We haven’t had to chase him back into bed at night in almost a week (I hope I didn’t jinx it just now)!
Funny things lately:
Over the weekend (when I think he was starting to get sick), he was tugging at his ear pretty hard. He then came over to me and said “take it off.” I died.
When he’s leaving (or we’re leaving), he yells “see you later, alligator!”
Since I brought them upstairs with the Christmas decorations, we have to play Rudolph, Santa and the Abominable Snow Monster in succession to get him to EAT!
When Kevin shows him this mini Lions helmet I got when I interned there years ago, he yells “cornbread.” Kevin also taught him to say “must be the money” – which is one of many sound bytes from the sports radio station we listen to, WDFN.
Although he’s been taking baths for two years, he’s suddenly found it hilarious to take the cup we use to rinse his hair, fill it up and then dump it over his head. He laughs so hard.
We love to scare him, especially when we’re in the basement. We hide in the bedroom or the exercise room and them growl or jump out at him. He screams so loud, usually runs in place and then starts laughing.
We have videos from July we STILL haven’t uploaded but I did manage to upload two videos I recently shot with our digital camera – "Wait a minute" and "Not diez". Sorry for the darkness.
Lost in the shopping and cookie baking and tree decorating is the fact that Harmon is doing awesome with the whole big boy bed thing. We haven’t had to chase him back into bed at night in almost a week (I hope I didn’t jinx it just now)!
Funny things lately:
Over the weekend (when I think he was starting to get sick), he was tugging at his ear pretty hard. He then came over to me and said “take it off.” I died.
When he’s leaving (or we’re leaving), he yells “see you later, alligator!”
Since I brought them upstairs with the Christmas decorations, we have to play Rudolph, Santa and the Abominable Snow Monster in succession to get him to EAT!
When Kevin shows him this mini Lions helmet I got when I interned there years ago, he yells “cornbread.” Kevin also taught him to say “must be the money” – which is one of many sound bytes from the sports radio station we listen to, WDFN.
Although he’s been taking baths for two years, he’s suddenly found it hilarious to take the cup we use to rinse his hair, fill it up and then dump it over his head. He laughs so hard.
We love to scare him, especially when we’re in the basement. We hide in the bedroom or the exercise room and them growl or jump out at him. He screams so loud, usually runs in place and then starts laughing.
We have videos from July we STILL haven’t uploaded but I did manage to upload two videos I recently shot with our digital camera – "Wait a minute" and "Not diez". Sorry for the darkness.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Lazy Sunday (well, and Saturday too)
Our weekend was extremely laid back, just what we needed before the big holiday rush. Since our Christmas shopping is done (I am, however, still working on the wrapping AND the cards), we didn’t need to hit the mall this weekend. On Saturday, we all stayed in our pajamas for a while and then Kevin and I napped when Harmon took his early afternoon nap. We then headed out to Buddy’s Pizza for dinner with hopes to catch the Wayne County LightFest afterward. I say HOPE because that’s all it was. Traffic was backed up FOR MILES and Harmon fell asleep anyway so, after waiting a half hour and moving only a block or so, we gave up. It was a good idea but would have been better on, say, a WEDNESDAY NIGHT!
Today, I swear to God we went to Target for the third day in a row and I thought Kevin was going to lose it! On Friday, we did our usual trip. Yesterday, I had to go replace a missing bag of scotch tape and gift tags that I needed for wrapping. Today, I realized there was more than I originally thought in that missing bag so I had to go back AGAIN and get a couple of things. Kevin said he felt like it was Groundhog Day! After Target, we went grocery shopping at Kroger (God, I HATE grocery shopping) and then picked out our Christmas tree on the way home.
Overall, we had a nice, relaxing weekend. The only blemish is that Harmon seems to be coming down with yet another day care cold. He’s been working on those two-year molars (they’re all partially through) so he’s had a bit of a runny nose but the crazy-ass coughing starting while we were inside Kroger. I hope this cold is a quick one because the little man wants to get outside and hunt for Santa (check out last year's version of the photo below - so little - I'm sad)!
Today, I swear to God we went to Target for the third day in a row and I thought Kevin was going to lose it! On Friday, we did our usual trip. Yesterday, I had to go replace a missing bag of scotch tape and gift tags that I needed for wrapping. Today, I realized there was more than I originally thought in that missing bag so I had to go back AGAIN and get a couple of things. Kevin said he felt like it was Groundhog Day! After Target, we went grocery shopping at Kroger (God, I HATE grocery shopping) and then picked out our Christmas tree on the way home.
Overall, we had a nice, relaxing weekend. The only blemish is that Harmon seems to be coming down with yet another day care cold. He’s been working on those two-year molars (they’re all partially through) so he’s had a bit of a runny nose but the crazy-ass coughing starting while we were inside Kroger. I hope this cold is a quick one because the little man wants to get outside and hunt for Santa (check out last year's version of the photo below - so little - I'm sad)!

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Two-year update

Our appointment was with our new pediatrician, Dr. James Baker. He was great with Harmon and was full of information for us so it went very well. We do, however, miss our old pediatrician so much.
OK, on to what Harmon is up to these days. He is in love with cars, emergency vehicles (like fire trucks and ambulances) and construction equipment. He also continues his obsession with reading (which explains the vast amount of books he has) and lately has loved coloring. He still loves his stuffed animals and still pulls bats and balls out of his toy bins (I’m hoping this will pick up again in the spring). The biggest change in him has been the continued explosion of language.
He always asks us to play with his Legos by grabbing our hand (or saying “hand, hand”) and then dragging us to the living room all the while saying “beeld sumpin’ (or build something). He usually loves to build TOWERS!
He loves to say things like “wait a minute” or “oh my gosh/oh my goodness” when he is surprised about something (all the while making HUGE eyes).
Since the basement is done, he always wants to “go downstairs.” He loves it down there and he gets up and down those stairs pretty fast.
If he’s with one of us and wants to see the other, he will say “Go see Mama (Dada), go see her (him).” And, when he finds you, he gets SO excited. A related behavior is him yelling our names ridiculously loud in public places – you can hear him throughout the entire store!
When he’s stumped by a question, he says “um, um” before answering. If he remains stumped, he starts in with his roll call – naming any and all nearby family members.
And, the singing, my God, the singing. He has a medley he belts out which includes “Ba, Ba, Black Sheep,” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” And now that it’s the Christmas season, he loves to sing “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Frosty the Snowman.”
Lastly, because of his love for Handy Manny (and some prodding from his Nana), he now does his numbers in Spanish from 1-10 (I especially love “siete”). I keep encouraging this not only because of my background but because speaking Spanish REALLY will benefit him in the future!
He does something new every day and all of it amazes us!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Nothin's gonna’ derail this Motown train

I will say that it's always hard to trade away great, young prospects but they are called PROSPECTS for a reason. To get tried-and-true talent and have those new players not be that much older – what a wonderful deal! Dave Dombrowski, as usual, is a genius (and also is my hero). I wish he could take over the search for the next Michigan football coach!
With this deal done, the Tigers now look to be true contenders, right up there with the Yankees and the Red Sox. I hope more than anything that this deal is the final piece of the puzzle that will bring a World Series crown back to Motown!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Lucky number seven
Seven years ago right now, Kevin and I were at our wedding reception watching our guests play their own music and mix their own drinks. It was a wonderful day and I can’t believe we’ve been married for seven years! My sister just sent me this e-card, which is freakin' hilarious. It did, however, make me think about how far we’ve come. It hasn’t always been easy and we’ve had some dark times but we’ve held it together and I can see us being married for 70 years. We always said we would remember to truly celebrate days like today but that was before Harmon came along. Tonight, we just decided to have dinner at Cottage Inn – the place we had our rehearsal dinner – and it was perfect. Harmon was an angel and the food was awesome and it just made me think that, in the end, it’s not about big gifts and fancy dinners. It’s about being together and enjoying each other. Kevin, I love you so much. As I always tell you, you are my prince charming, the man that made all my dreams come true. I would marry you one thousand times over – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Salt in the wound
To pile on what is already a disaster of epic proportions (I honestly can’t even talk about it without feeling sick to my stomach), Michigan gets to be a practice squad for Florida in the Capital One Bowl (awesome, ANOTHER bowl loss). Tim Tebow will be able to show the Heisman voters that his trophy indeed was well deserved as he and his Gators light up old man Carr’s team for, oh, about 40 points, AT LEAST. We are going to get SO OWNED by Florida in this game, it’s almost comical. The Michigan faithful will get yet another reminder of how far the once-proud program has fallen. And, after Florida opens up a can of whoop ass, all us Michigan fans will get to watch Ohio State (the team that totally OWNS us) play LSU (and the coach we should have had) for the National Championship – good times. Honestly, as a Michigan grad and fan, which team do you cheer for? As we used to say, back in our sports information days, it would be best if the stadium just blew up. If the Buckeyes win, well, it would be their second national championship in recent years and it would further widen the gap between the two programs. If LSU wins, it would be so painful to think about what could have been. A real Michigan Man beats Ohio State FINALLY but he does it as a Tiger instead of a Wolverine. God, this sucks SO, SO, SO BAD.
In just a few weeks, we’ll get our stupid invoice for the public seat licenses on our two season tickets. By the time it’s due, we’ll most likely have a shit head coach at the helm to continue the downward spiral of the Michigan football program. I’ve felt two things this year that I never thought I would feel. First, after one too many losses to Ohio State, I’m feeling a little envious, almost like it might be better to be a Buckeye than a Wolverine. Secondly, I’ve actually considered not renewing my season tickets. After following this team (and working for it) for so long, it’s so hard to handle what is happening. Thanks, Lloyd, for ruining the program and for providing some nice bookends for the 2007 season – at the beginning, we were the joke because of our historical loss to Appalachian State and, at the end, we're the joke because 1) we totally effed up the whole Les Miles thing and 2) the mere thought of us ATTEMPTING to play football against Florida just brought uproarious laughter to the entire studio of the ESPN bowl selection show.
OK, enough, please tell me when pitchers (especially Jordan Tata) and catchers report for Spring Training?
In just a few weeks, we’ll get our stupid invoice for the public seat licenses on our two season tickets. By the time it’s due, we’ll most likely have a shit head coach at the helm to continue the downward spiral of the Michigan football program. I’ve felt two things this year that I never thought I would feel. First, after one too many losses to Ohio State, I’m feeling a little envious, almost like it might be better to be a Buckeye than a Wolverine. Secondly, I’ve actually considered not renewing my season tickets. After following this team (and working for it) for so long, it’s so hard to handle what is happening. Thanks, Lloyd, for ruining the program and for providing some nice bookends for the 2007 season – at the beginning, we were the joke because of our historical loss to Appalachian State and, at the end, we're the joke because 1) we totally effed up the whole Les Miles thing and 2) the mere thought of us ATTEMPTING to play football against Florida just brought uproarious laughter to the entire studio of the ESPN bowl selection show.
OK, enough, please tell me when pitchers (especially Jordan Tata) and catchers report for Spring Training?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Owned by trucker hat and turtleneck
A glimpse of the last 24 hours in Michigan athletics:
1. No. 2-ranked hockey team lost at home Friday night to Ohio State, a team that had lost 11 of its previous 12 games.
2. Les Miles is coming to Michigan. Oops, maybe not. Sorry about that. And LSU wins the SEC championship.
3. The basketball team really showed Harvard what it was getting in Tommy Amaker. Oops, maybe not. Sorry about that. Turtleneck 1, Michigan 0.
4. If Missouri falls victim to the Sports Illustrated jinx ... Oh, I will just say it now: Buckeyes back in the national championship game.
Um ... go volleyball?
1. No. 2-ranked hockey team lost at home Friday night to Ohio State, a team that had lost 11 of its previous 12 games.
2. Les Miles is coming to Michigan. Oops, maybe not. Sorry about that. And LSU wins the SEC championship.
3. The basketball team really showed Harvard what it was getting in Tommy Amaker. Oops, maybe not. Sorry about that. Turtleneck 1, Michigan 0.
4. If Missouri falls victim to the Sports Illustrated jinx ... Oh, I will just say it now: Buckeyes back in the national championship game.
Um ... go volleyball?
Harmon and Santa don’t mix
Last Wednesday, Kevin and I took Harmon to see Santa. We went to Twelve Oaks Mall this year and had perfect timing. It was the day before Thanksgiving, in the late afternoon, and the mall was totally dead. While the lines for Santa usually are long, there were only two families in front of us. Harmon did great in line watching all the other kids get their pictures with Santa but, when his time came, he was having none of it. He immediately lost it and, after two attempts to sit him on Santa’s knee, we decided to just abort the whole damn thing. While we had our suspicions that it might go this way, we were encouraged because he talked about seeing Santa all morning. He talked about it in the car and all through lunch too. And then, when he got his big moment to ask for balls, cars, books and a fire truck (as he told me earlier in the day), he blew it. So, sorry grandparents, there will be no photos of Harmon with Santa this year!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
One step forward, two steps back?

As an aside, while the going-to-bed part has been a struggle, the waking-up part has been awesome. It’s so sweet when he tiptoes into our bedroom to wake us up. He’s all quiet and tentative and then we snatch him up into our bed and hang out for a while. This really does make it all worth it.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Big boy bed
As I type this, we’re trying to get Harmon to go to sleep in his big boy bed for the first time. It’s actually his same bed, which converts to a toddler bed, but I think it’s freaking him out a little bit. We’ve already been in his room AT LEAST 10 times to tell him to lie down and go to sleep. It might be a long night.
We made a big deal this morning in taking the one side off and then putting on all his new bedding (including a pillow) and he was all excited about it. He kept yelling “NEW BED” and then he got all comfortable in it while Kevin read him books. So, we thought it might go a little smoother. But, I guess I can understand why it’s freaking him out. He’s been safe in his crib since he was eight weeks old and now one side of it is gone. I can see how he would be tentative. I also can see that there is A LOT of temptation to get out and play and run around so we’ll have to see how it goes.
By the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!
We made a big deal this morning in taking the one side off and then putting on all his new bedding (including a pillow) and he was all excited about it. He kept yelling “NEW BED” and then he got all comfortable in it while Kevin read him books. So, we thought it might go a little smoother. But, I guess I can understand why it’s freaking him out. He’s been safe in his crib since he was eight weeks old and now one side of it is gone. I can see how he would be tentative. I also can see that there is A LOT of temptation to get out and play and run around so we’ll have to see how it goes.
By the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Harmon’s two-year photos
We decided to change things up a bit this year for Harmon’s two-year photos. Instead of paying our friend to do it (he’s been swamped), I asked my sister, Stacey, to take them.
We chose a blue theme, with jeans and navy tops. Of course, Harmon’s outfit was the whole inspiration! We wanted to be outside and what better place than campus. We decided on Angell Hall as the backdrop, which was good and bad. Good in that there weren’t a lot of people around to distract us and get in the background of our photos but bad in that there’s construction nearby (oh, cranes and cement mixers) and about 100 buses drove by while my sister was shooting and Harmon was going bananas.
We went to campus in the late afternoon on Sunday, Nov. 4 and shot for about 45 minutes. My parents and other sister, Erin, also were there to try to get Harmon to smile on demand. Then we had a birthday dinner for Harmon at Pizza House followed by cake and presents back at our house. It was an awesome day and the pictures turned out perfect. My sister did a fantastic job so now she’s on the hook again for next year – if she dares!
I’ve included a few below but if you would like to see them all, click here.

We chose a blue theme, with jeans and navy tops. Of course, Harmon’s outfit was the whole inspiration! We wanted to be outside and what better place than campus. We decided on Angell Hall as the backdrop, which was good and bad. Good in that there weren’t a lot of people around to distract us and get in the background of our photos but bad in that there’s construction nearby (oh, cranes and cement mixers) and about 100 buses drove by while my sister was shooting and Harmon was going bananas.
We went to campus in the late afternoon on Sunday, Nov. 4 and shot for about 45 minutes. My parents and other sister, Erin, also were there to try to get Harmon to smile on demand. Then we had a birthday dinner for Harmon at Pizza House followed by cake and presents back at our house. It was an awesome day and the pictures turned out perfect. My sister did a fantastic job so now she’s on the hook again for next year – if she dares!
I’ve included a few below but if you would like to see them all, click here.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Follow the leader?

I will miss Lloyd Carr, the person, as he’s done so much for the University of Michigan. I have to admit, however, that I might not miss Lloyd Carr, the coach. The last few years have been pretty rough for Michigan football fans and I think yet another loss to Ohio State on Saturday finally pushed me over the edge.
I sometimes wonder what life for Michigan football fans would be like had we not won a national championship in 1997. While that day was one of the best days in my life, I feel like it set a standard, it established an expectation that would be hard to achieve each and every year. Before Coach Carr, who brought us our first national championship in 49 years, we didn’t have those standards or expectations and the game was so much different. But, to get to that point, and then to have all the necessary pieces to return yet fail – that became hard to handle. And, if it was hard to handle as a fan, an alum and a former athletic department worker, I can’t even pretend to know how Coach Carr dealt with it. Maybe this was one of the many reasons he decided it was time to go.
Whatever his reasons, he is gone but he won’t be far away if needed. He will remain at Michigan as an associate athletic director and AD Bill Martin will have him to speak with while searching for a new leader of the Michigan football program. It’s not every day that Michigan hires a new football coach and it’s not every school that gets it right (see Nebraska) but I’m hopeful Martin will find a fantastic new coach to take Michigan football to an even higher level.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
If you leave me now …
After another rough drop-off at day care this morning, I could only think of Chicago’s song, “If You Leave Me Now.” I realize we’re not taking away the biggest “part” or “heart” of Harmon but it’s still hard.
The last few weeks have been rough and we’re not sure why. Maybe it’s because he’s had SO MUCH birthday attention that he would rather stay home and play with us and his birthday loot or maybe he’s just having some delayed separation anxiety. Whatever it is, it caused him to cry SO HARD that he passed out when Kevin dropped him off this past Tuesday. He’s done this a handful of times and the doctor assures us it’s OK but it’s still scary. Luckily, he did it while Kevin was still there because that seriously would have freaked out his teachers.
The teachers tell us he’s only upset for a few minutes and then goes on to have a great day, which is fantastic. Unfortunately, Kevin and I don’t go on to have great days. We worry about him, we wonder what’s wrong and we count down the minutes until we can pick him up. The plus side to this, if there is one, is that he’s even more excited to see us at the end of the day!
The last few weeks have been rough and we’re not sure why. Maybe it’s because he’s had SO MUCH birthday attention that he would rather stay home and play with us and his birthday loot or maybe he’s just having some delayed separation anxiety. Whatever it is, it caused him to cry SO HARD that he passed out when Kevin dropped him off this past Tuesday. He’s done this a handful of times and the doctor assures us it’s OK but it’s still scary. Luckily, he did it while Kevin was still there because that seriously would have freaked out his teachers.
The teachers tell us he’s only upset for a few minutes and then goes on to have a great day, which is fantastic. Unfortunately, Kevin and I don’t go on to have great days. We worry about him, we wonder what’s wrong and we count down the minutes until we can pick him up. The plus side to this, if there is one, is that he’s even more excited to see us at the end of the day!
Monday, November 12, 2007
A letter to our little boy

Your second birthday pictures show a little scar on your chin from a fall at daycare. You probably didn’t cry, and won’t remember it. But for Mom and Dad, it was a realization that things will happen to you during your life that we can’t prevent. We can only help to soothe you and tell you it will all be OK. We hope you will always come to us for that comfort and reassurance, like you do when you fall and bump your head or scratch your finger. You know we are good for a hug, and you are back in the battle in no time.
Speaking of daycare, like you were at your first daycare center, KidZone, you are a big hit at Annie’s. We always get great reports, and your teachers always tell us that you are so easy-going and well-behaved. You do have occasional mornings when it is tough to say goodbye to Mommy and Daddy, but you are so excited to see us at the end of day. When Daddy picks you up on Tuesdays, you immediately call for two things – helpacas and Mama. So, we pick Mommy up and swing by the hospital to see the twin Survival Flight helicopters. A month or so ago, you hit the jackpot, as one helpaca took off and another landed. These are just a few things that get you excited, right up there with semi trucks, buses (city and
We know that all babies are respectful to their grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins, but you are always so good to them, and they love you unconditionally. You call Grandma and Grandpa Saling, Nana and Papa, and Grandma and Grandpa Bergquist, Eema and Eepa. Eepa helped Mommy and Daddy finish their basement. Now, you can’t get enough of it down there. After shimmying down the stairs on your belly, you love to play with your new table and train set and birthday presents. But not far from your mind is your savior right now, Mickey Mouse. Some days you don’t go more than 10 minutes without asking to watch Mickey Moush or Blue book (Blues Clues).
We will wrap this up with a little story that sums up your first two years. While you were shopping today in Kroger with Daddy, you sang your medley of songs, “Ba Ba Black Sheep,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” and, finally, “The Victors.” You are so creative and happy and love to sing any chance you get. And, you love to call Mama real loud, even when she is five feet away. You are a dream come true, Harmon. Thank for showing Mommy and Daddy how fantastic being parents can be. We are truly blessed.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
One of those days

I called her earlier and they were making cookies. I wanted to cry.
Every once in a while, I have one of those days when I so wish I was a stay-at-home Mom. I envision a cold winter day and me and Harmon all warm inside making Christmas cookies. We have dinner ready for when Kevin comes home and Harmon is so excited to see him and …
And, back to the real world. I’m sure work isn’t helping today either as I have so much crap work to do. Things like mailings and gathering/setting up materials for an event this weekend – things that TRULY require my MBA skills (ha, ha).
Speaking of skills, maybe I revisit the textbook from my MBA statistics class and figure out my chances at winning the lottery to make my vision a reality. Dare to dream.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Toddler Speak

On the way back from his birthday dinner at Pizza House, I was telling my sister, Erin, about the Pumpkin Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I told her it was like pumpkin pie on steroids and Harmon piped in with the following:
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin patch, pumpkin pancakes
Because he said it all in one breath, he was totally out of breath by the time he got to pancakes and it was hilarious.
We’ve still never been able to figure out who “Dee Dee” is and now it’s even worse. He’ll say “Let’s go, Dee Dee,” which will prompt us to ask who “Dee Dee” is. He then goes on with “Let’s Go Doh Doh,” “Let’s Go, Day Day,” and, finally, “Let’s Go, Cheese.”
He sings all the songs from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and loves Choo-Choo Soul. He also can’t get enough of the Frog Dance (which they just pulled from YouTube – oh the devastation), not to mention he sings much clearer versions of "Hail to the Victors" - complete with the hand motions - and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."
He’s also doing very well with the sentences. After opening presents in our new basement on Sunday night, he wanted to go down there again last night. He grabbed my hand and said, “Mama downstairs presents.”
Kevin noted that for the first time he feels like he really can have a conversation with him. Harmon and I called Kevin at work last Friday and they had a big chat about what he was doing, what he wanted to watch on the computer, what he had for lunch, etc.
Although I really, really miss my little baby Harmon, it’s so fun to see him growing up and expressing himself. Fun except for when we say something we shouldn’t and he repeats it – YIKES!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

He was a koala this year. It wasn’t my first choice (I wanted a frog costume but it was sold out by mid-September – what the hell) but it was very, very cute. He had a little koala in his pouch that he just had to share his chocolate with – so very polite!
He actually debuted his costume at the Halloween in Greenfield Village event we attended on Oct. 21. The three of us went, along with my parents and my sisters, and we all had a great time so I think we’ll go back again next year.
All in all, it’s been a great Halloween season!
Monday, October 29, 2007
A taste of his own medicine … kind of
Harmon woke up this morning IN LOVE with his snow leopard. He snuggled him in his crib, brought him along when it was time to get ready for the day and even took him to his high chair for breakfast. And, when Kevin got ready to head out for the usual Monday errands (today, we got new tires for the Liberty), Harmon wanted to bring along his snow leopard. As they were waiting for the tire job to finish up, they went for a walk and Kevin noticed Harmon fretting a bit. Evidently, he was trying to feed his snow leopard some of his raisins and was sad that he wouldn’t eat them. Kevin asked him what was wrong and asked if his snow leopard was eating and Harmon said “NO!” I guess maybe he now knows he we feel when he won’t eat his damn food!
A few other quick things. On the same trip, Kevin and Harmon were in Walgreen’s and Harmon heard a Michael McDonald song playing over the sound system and yelled ROCK. Um, no! To redeem himself, however, when Harmon sees my new Springsteen CD sitting around, he yells “The Boss!” Unfortunately, Kevin also taught him to say “mullet” when seeing that same CD. I guess Bruce could use a bit of a trim – his hair looks like a rat’s nest!
OK, more updates later on things like Halloween at Greenfield Village, Halloween (in general), toddler speak and my first real stint as a single parent (which was much better than I thought it would be).
A few other quick things. On the same trip, Kevin and Harmon were in Walgreen’s and Harmon heard a Michael McDonald song playing over the sound system and yelled ROCK. Um, no! To redeem himself, however, when Harmon sees my new Springsteen CD sitting around, he yells “The Boss!” Unfortunately, Kevin also taught him to say “mullet” when seeing that same CD. I guess Bruce could use a bit of a trim – his hair looks like a rat’s nest!
OK, more updates later on things like Halloween at Greenfield Village, Halloween (in general), toddler speak and my first real stint as a single parent (which was much better than I thought it would be).
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday talk

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Go play intramurals, brother!
This is my favorite coaching rant OF ALL TIME! Colorado coach Dan Hawkins just loses it!
It's even better because when we say it around the house, Harmon finishes it for us.
We'll say, "It's Division 1" and he'll say "football!"
We'll say, "It's the Big" and he'll say "12!"
We'll say "It ain't" and he'll say "intramurals!"
Finally, we'll finish up with "Go play intramurals" and he'll say "brother!"
What a great freakin' kid we have!
It's even better because when we say it around the house, Harmon finishes it for us.
We'll say, "It's Division 1" and he'll say "football!"
We'll say, "It's the Big" and he'll say "12!"
We'll say "It ain't" and he'll say "intramurals!"
Finally, we'll finish up with "Go play intramurals" and he'll say "brother!"
What a great freakin' kid we have!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ohhhhh, pumpkins!

Even though Harmon was a bit under the weather, we made our way to Three Cedars Farm in Northville and had a great time. The first thing we did was get cider and donuts and both were excellent. Harmon didn’t like either so that left more for me and Kevin (luckily we had starved ourselves all day in anticipation). After our snack, we took a tractor/hay ride (or, as Harmon says, bumpy tractor ride) out to the pumpkin patch. As an aside, there was a HUGE corn maze there too but we decided not to push it with Harmon (we might go back later this fall). We wandered the field for a while looking for a nice pumpkin and finally found one. This search ended so much better than last year! We then took the tractor/hay ride back to the main farm area where we took some pictures of Harmon on an older tractor. He just loves those things (he is all boy)!
I think Harmon might have had a little more fun if he felt better but maybe we’ll go back. If we don’t get back there during the fall, we learned they also are open during the Christmas season!
Friday, October 12, 2007
23 months

The last few months have been so amazing; mostly because of how Harmon's communications skills have continued to grow. He tells us what he wants (or doesn’t want) and, for the most part, we can understand him. Lately, if you ask him where something is, he will yell out “RIGHT THERE!” Ahh, yes, the yelling. It doesn’t go over so well in church so we’re trying to work through the whole inside-outside voice thing.
We decorated our house for fall a few weeks ago and, since then, he’s been obsessed with our pumpkin lights. We have lawn stake pumpkin lights in the front yard and he loves them. He needs to go count them every time we get home and he loves to tell everyone in the neighborhood all about them (yelling PUNKIN LIGHTS) when we’re out walking at night.
In addition to the pumpkin lights, he’s also obsessed with cars lately. We bought him a set of four small cars a few weeks ago and he can’t get enough. He runs them all over the house and then lines them up perfectly when he’s done. He also pulled some of his older cars from his toy box so now there are cars everywhere!
He still loves his stuffed animals, especially his sea otter (above), and his love of reading is as strong as ever. Instead of getting a lot of toys, we usually get him books. I don’t think we can enter a bookstore without exiting with a book. And, because of this, he can practically read his books to us. His language is amazing – he knows so many words and numbers and can put so much together. I hope this continues!
Although he’s never been much for TV, he has a couple of favorite shows that he’s really into lately. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Blue’s Clues and those are shows we actually can stomach. I guess we don’t mind them because they DO have some educational value. He goes crazy for all the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music (especially the hot dog dance) and he can’t see a paw print without saying “a clue, a clue!” The other two shoes he used to like – Wonder Pets and the Backyardigans – have sort of fallen off his radar and that’s just fine. As Kevin says, we don’t want him turning into a “vidiot!”
Now that the Tigers’ season is over, we’re not watching much baseball so I hope he remembers it come spring. In place of baseball, he’s taken a liking to “Dancing with the Stars.” He’ll yell “dance, dance” and go to a spot in front of Isabel’s cage – a spot that isn’t carpeted – and dance up a storm on the hardwood floor. Although it will embarrass him a ton when he’s older, I must note how he also loves to dance to “I Feel for You” by Chaka Khan!
Other than all this, things are going very well. He’s doing awesome in his new class at day care and is back to using the potty (after taking a break for a week - I have no idea why). I honestly don't have a clue when he'll be fully potty trained but we’re going to spend a lot of time on it over the Christmas break. We don’t have much planned for his second birthday – just a family party – but it will be fun and I'm sure he'll continue to get spoiled. And, here’s hoping his twos won’t be so terrible!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007
First school photos

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Out of the mouths of babes
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Let’s Dance
It’s a dreary Monday, all wet and fall-like outside. As I’ve said a million times, Mondays are hard for me as I have to leave cuddly little Harmon and work in the afternoon. Usually, I perk up on my drive in because I get to listen to the Jim Rome Show but, since the NFL season has started, WDFN cuts away to the weekly Lions’ press conference where the cornbread is dished out while it’s nice and hot. Since I am not a Lions’ fan (or shall I say sheep), I usually seek alternate programming during this time but it’s a struggle. I struggled again today and as I fumbled through my presets, I accidentally hit CD. Let’s back up a bit. We drive my ’98 Wrangler on Mondays (the newer car stays with the kid) and I can’t remember the last time I even HAD a CD in that vehicle. So, imagine my surprise when a CD (I have NO idea whose CD) actually starts playing AND starts playing “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie. God, I totally love that song! What a pick me up to my rainy Monday!
No October

Now, I could be a pissed off Tigers’ fan because they failed to accomplish what they should have accomplished but I’ve thought a lot about it over the last month and I’m not going to be. If the 2007 season would have happened last year, the entire state would have been going bananas. For a team that was terrible for years to be playing meaningful baseball into mid-September would have been amazing. But, we all were surprised by the march to the World Series in 2006 so, naturally, 2007 was a letdown. Although injuries played a part, there are many other reasons the 2007 team isn’t in the playoffs. They couldn’t get the big hit when they needed it, they got outscored in late innings, they couldn’t get good hitting and good starting pitching at the same time and, when they did, the bullpen came in and lit the entire infield on fire. I could go on and on but I want to focus on the good because, for so many years, there simply wasn’t ANYTHING good to focus on.
Congrats to Magglio Ordonez for winning the AL batting title; to Carlos Guillen for his 102 RBI season; and to Curtis Granderson for his .302 average and his amazing accomplishment of being the first player since Willie Mays to hit 20 home runs, doubles and triples and steal 20 bases. Congrats to Placido Polanco for smacking 200 hits (with a third-place .341 average) and for finishing the entire season without an error at second base.
There are other accomplishments and so many wonderful memories from this season and I don’t think it will sink in that it’s all over until I come home from work tomorrow. Almost every night (and day) since April, I’ve had Rod Allen and Mario Impemba on the tube or Dan Dickerson and Jim Price on the airwaves bringing me Tigers’ baseball. It will be weird not to have that this week and for the next five months.
Thanks so much for a great season, Detroit Tigers! You brought baseball back to the Motor City and I, for one, cannot wait until 2008. Only 152 days to go – Spring Training starts Feb. 27.
To close, I love this quote from Rogers Hornsby:
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not that we want him to eat chocolate all the time but we’ve tried several different things (chocolate basically is a food group in the Bergquist house) and he never has taken to any of them. Not cookies, muffins, brownies, candy, cake or anything else. He DID eat a piece of fudge when we were in Traverse City in July, which was a shocker! Just ONE, TINY piece, though!
So, when he ate the M&M, we thought it would be a one-time thing. Not so much. Now, he says “chocolate” a ton and anytime we say “Erin,” he responds with “chocolate.” Erin came over tonight and the first thing he said when she came through the door was “chocolate!” The best thing about this is the WAY he says chocolate. He says it with a French accent, perfectly annunciating every syllable, which is hilarious!
Although I LOVE chocolate, I surprisingly didn’t like it at all while I was pregnant so maybe that explains it. And, like I said, it’s not like we’re begging him to eat chocolate and then allowing him to get his own M&Ms or Fritos out of the pantry. He’s an excellent eater (a healthy one too) and we’re hoping to keep it that way, with maybe an M&M or two every once in a while!
Friday, September 21, 2007
We know that both sets of parents made sacrifices for us from the day we were born. And while this is a very small and seemingly insignificant one for us, it does show how your thinking changes when you become a parent.
As I type this, tickets are on sale for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at the Palace in November. Besides it being on a Monday night, and good tickets being $89 before Ticketmaster comes blasting in with surcharges and delivery fees, the timing is just not right this time around. Normally this is a no-brainer for Aimee, right up there with Tigers Opening Day (except for this year; cut it out 2007), Michigan football and the first night of any Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn movie. We are finishing our basement right now, and that has been expensive, especially the past three weeks, but this is also about Harmon (in a good way).
Any time we plan something or go to buy something, we always think of our little buddy. For example, the day after the concert is a daycare day for him. Plus, the fact that we would have to drive home in the wee hours of the morning is not fair to his sleep. It is amazing as a parent to feel so strongly about your children and make sure they have all that they need and are not hungry, cold or sad.
Aimee is such a great Mom at this. Aside from my behavior in buying our new TV, I can be impulsive at times. My gut would be to buy the tickets and then figure out later who is going and how it is going to work out. Aimee is always thinking about what is best for Harmon. When she goes to the mall with him, who gets something? Very rarely her. It is usually Harmon, who also scores when Nana goes shopping and Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.
As I said in the beginning, I know this is a small thing, but Aimee has such natural instincts as a good Mom and Harmon is turning out to be a great son because of it. Maybe next time, Bruce.
As I type this, tickets are on sale for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at the Palace in November. Besides it being on a Monday night, and good tickets being $89 before Ticketmaster comes blasting in with surcharges and delivery fees, the timing is just not right this time around. Normally this is a no-brainer for Aimee, right up there with Tigers Opening Day (except for this year; cut it out 2007), Michigan football and the first night of any Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn movie. We are finishing our basement right now, and that has been expensive, especially the past three weeks, but this is also about Harmon (in a good way).
Any time we plan something or go to buy something, we always think of our little buddy. For example, the day after the concert is a daycare day for him. Plus, the fact that we would have to drive home in the wee hours of the morning is not fair to his sleep. It is amazing as a parent to feel so strongly about your children and make sure they have all that they need and are not hungry, cold or sad.
Aimee is such a great Mom at this. Aside from my behavior in buying our new TV, I can be impulsive at times. My gut would be to buy the tickets and then figure out later who is going and how it is going to work out. Aimee is always thinking about what is best for Harmon. When she goes to the mall with him, who gets something? Very rarely her. It is usually Harmon, who also scores when Nana goes shopping and Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.
As I said in the beginning, I know this is a small thing, but Aimee has such natural instincts as a good Mom and Harmon is turning out to be a great son because of it. Maybe next time, Bruce.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Unexpected nap

It’s been a while since he’s taken a nap with us (at LEAST six months). We try every couple of weeks to get him to take a family nap but he wants none of it. Yesterday, though, after we had breakfast and played for hours, I got him all changed and dressed and asked him if he wanted to take a nap with me. He said yes but he’s said yes before so I was skeptical! We got all snuggled up together under the covers and he got comfortable on his Daddy’s pillow and then was snoring within minutes. Initially, I was afraid to open my eyes and look at him as he sometimes has this open-eyed, staring-off-into-space-but-still-awake look but he was dead asleep.

Sunday, September 16, 2007
A sight to see
After two straight crushing, embarrassing defeats at Michigan Stadium, finally something good happened on the Michigan sideline on Saturday:

Ahh, yes, that would be THE Russell Crowe. He and Coach Carr became fast friends in the off-season and he graced Michigan Stadium with his presence on Saturday. I can't believe Russell freakin' Crowe was in my town! I love him (not to mention he's a tremendous actor and SO should have TWO Academy Awards - damn Denzel and that stupid Training Day movie). And, he's in my five. GOD!
Oh yeah, the game. Anyway, we crushed Notre Dame AGAIN, 38-0. I could get used to these yearly beatings. Granted they are a god-awful football team so Saturday's game was in no means a measuring stick for where we are at this point. No matter what, though, it's always fun to beat up on the Irish and their a-hole QBs (Quinn and Clausen). Guess it will be at least ANOTHER year before we hear from our ND friends.

Ahh, yes, that would be THE Russell Crowe. He and Coach Carr became fast friends in the off-season and he graced Michigan Stadium with his presence on Saturday. I can't believe Russell freakin' Crowe was in my town! I love him (not to mention he's a tremendous actor and SO should have TWO Academy Awards - damn Denzel and that stupid Training Day movie). And, he's in my five. GOD!
Oh yeah, the game. Anyway, we crushed Notre Dame AGAIN, 38-0. I could get used to these yearly beatings. Granted they are a god-awful football team so Saturday's game was in no means a measuring stick for where we are at this point. No matter what, though, it's always fun to beat up on the Irish and their a-hole QBs (Quinn and Clausen). Guess it will be at least ANOTHER year before we hear from our ND friends.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The big 22

1. He is in love with his stuffed animals lately. His two favorite animals right now are a snow leopard he got when we went to the zoo two weeks ago, and a sea otter that Aunt Stacey got him in San Francisco.
2. He has always loved to have us read books to him, but now he is repeating words and lines back to us. It won't be too long before he is reading books to us. One of his favorite places to do this is on his potty chair. In the course of the rest of his chatter, he will say, "potty, potty" and off we go to his chair. He has gone several times for us, with a few false alarms.
3. The boy loves to count. He had become very proficient in counting to 13, but now he is going all the way up to 20. Tonight at dinner, he just kept going: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
4. He does more than count numbers. He is getting more conversational every day. When we ask him if he wants something, instead of laughing or grunting, he now says, "yeah." Conversely, he has always been good at saying, "no." Dada has become "Daddy" of late, and last night he got to talk to his godfather, "Uncle Steve." He knows all of his aunts and uncle by name, but we still don't know who "Dee-dee" is.
We know it is still two months until he reaches those "terrible twos," but we don't think Harmon has it in his nature to be a bad boy. Sure, he disobeys sometimes and can be trouble at the dinner table, but he has been such a joy to watch grow up. As any parent knows, it is growing up.
Love you, little man.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Bergquist quote bag
When Kevin worked at the University Record, he and his co-workers used to keep a quote bag or sorts and they would re-visit them a few times a year for a good laugh. He’s suggested doing this at home so I finally got with it. Here are a few and we’ll see if we can keep this up.
1. Recently, Harmon said “hey, baby” to a cashier at Hiller’s and to one of the student helpers at day care. They both thought it was so cute!
2. Kevin used to work in a restaurant during his summers in Minnesota and the bus boys would yell “hot butter, gotta’ go” as they were clearing the candle-heated butter dishes that were used for the lobster. When we were out running errands on Saturday, Kevin taught Harmon to say, “hot butter, gotta’ go” and now he can’t get enough of it.
3. Kevin and I were watching VH1 the other day and a commercial for the Scott Baio show came on. If you’re not familiar, the show is called “Scott Baio is 45 … and Single.” Kevin suggested a new and improved title, to better reflect the star of the show – “Scott Baio is 45 … and a Tool!”
These next four are all Detroit Tigers’ related (what a surprise):
4. There was a quick shot of Pudge in the dugout and Kevin asked “is Pudge practicing his strikeout swing?’ All too appropriate this season!
5. The great Tigers’ TV analyst Rod Allen was commenting on Ramon Santiago’s fielding skills, calling him a vacuum cleaner. I replied with “yeah, and he bats a buck fifty!”
6. Kevin and I were discussing the recent demotions and promotions of pitcher Zach Miner. Kevin said I’m sure he’s thinking “I’m not your yo-yo!”
7. When discussing my favorite Tigers’ pitcher Jordan Tata, I mentioned that he’s from Texas. Kevin replied with “he’s from Texas, I wonder if he’s a prick?”
1. Recently, Harmon said “hey, baby” to a cashier at Hiller’s and to one of the student helpers at day care. They both thought it was so cute!
2. Kevin used to work in a restaurant during his summers in Minnesota and the bus boys would yell “hot butter, gotta’ go” as they were clearing the candle-heated butter dishes that were used for the lobster. When we were out running errands on Saturday, Kevin taught Harmon to say, “hot butter, gotta’ go” and now he can’t get enough of it.
3. Kevin and I were watching VH1 the other day and a commercial for the Scott Baio show came on. If you’re not familiar, the show is called “Scott Baio is 45 … and Single.” Kevin suggested a new and improved title, to better reflect the star of the show – “Scott Baio is 45 … and a Tool!”
These next four are all Detroit Tigers’ related (what a surprise):
4. There was a quick shot of Pudge in the dugout and Kevin asked “is Pudge practicing his strikeout swing?’ All too appropriate this season!
5. The great Tigers’ TV analyst Rod Allen was commenting on Ramon Santiago’s fielding skills, calling him a vacuum cleaner. I replied with “yeah, and he bats a buck fifty!”
6. Kevin and I were discussing the recent demotions and promotions of pitcher Zach Miner. Kevin said I’m sure he’s thinking “I’m not your yo-yo!”
7. When discussing my favorite Tigers’ pitcher Jordan Tata, I mentioned that he’s from Texas. Kevin replied with “he’s from Texas, I wonder if he’s a prick?”
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wow, Coach, these are some IMPRESSIVE numbers!

1. Michigan’s 39-7 loss to Oregon was the worst since losing 50-14 to Ohio State in 1968 – the season before Bo Schembechler came to Ann Arbor.
2. Speaking of Bo, Michigan hasn’t won a game since he died the day before the Ohio State game last year.
3. Oregon rolled up 624 yards, the second-highest total by a Michigan opponent in its 128 years of football. The most was to Northwestern (654 yards) in 2000. While letting Oregon score at will, Michigan scored the fewest points in a game since a 9-3 loss to Purdue in 1996.
4. The last time Michigan started a season with two losses was in 1998 (with losses at Notre Dame and at home to Syracuse). The last time Michigan started a season with two losses AT HOME was 1959 (to Missouri and Michigan State).
5. This is the first time Michigan has suffered four straight losses since 1967.
You know, Coach Carr could have walked away a few years ago as a freakin’ hero. With his career record and his National Championship, not to mention all the things he does off the field, he could have ridden off into the sunset. He probably even could have had the new football building named after him. But, he insisted on sticking around way too long and now his legacy will be this 2007 season – YIKES. I feel bad for the seniors, like Henne, Hart and Long, who stuck around Ann Arbor for a chance at a National Championship. I also feel really bad for the U-M students who are having their college years ruined by 1902-style football.
I don’t even know what more to say. I am completely and totally embarrassed but I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. I think many people who have been critical of the program over the last few years aren’t surprised by this. We are disappointed but not surprised. As Kevin and I said today as we left in disgust during the third quarter, if we knew a change would come after going 4-8 or 5-7, I think most people would suck it up and endure. But, we don’t know and that’s what’s scary. I’m scared to think what kind of damage this is doing to Michigan football.
OK, on to humor (it’s how I deal, OK)! I read this on the U-M forum a bit ago and died. Michigan Stadium is the hole that Yost dug, Canham carpeted, Schembechler filled and CARR DESTROYED.
And, this is something I said a few years ago (similar to Steve Spurrier’s “you can’t spell Citrus without UT” blast): You can’t spell underachievement without U-M!
Quick note: Thanks so much to my Detroit Tigers for once again pulling out a victory on a Saturday night after Michigan football completely ruined my Saturday afternoon.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Not in the job description
A lot of people are clamoring for LSU coach Les Miles to become the next coach at Michigan. There are many who object to that, in part because he is a little more vocal than what our fans are used to, and he once had the nerve to swear during a press conference. To that, Aimee replied:
"I don't care if he says f-ity, f, f, f throughout every Monday press conference, as long as he wins games."
'Nuff said.
"I don't care if he says f-ity, f, f, f throughout every Monday press conference, as long as he wins games."
'Nuff said.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Special Comment
I try not to let myself get too into politics these days. This administration has been such a disaster from the beginning that if I DO get into it, it’s really hard to get away from it. It’s so enraging that it just starts to take over. But, hey, at least I didn’t vote for him and thus can sleep at night.
One show Kevin and I do watch is Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Maybe it’s his SportsCenter history that drew us in but he’s great to watch and much more intelligent (and funny) than doing NFL highlights required him to be.
Last night, he had an extra special “Special Comment” and it’s something everyone should see:
If you would rather read the transcript, click here.
On a lighter note, I offer a compilation of Letterman’s Great Moments in Presidential Speeches. And, my all-time favorite! I think I say “internets” at least five times a day!
One show Kevin and I do watch is Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Maybe it’s his SportsCenter history that drew us in but he’s great to watch and much more intelligent (and funny) than doing NFL highlights required him to be.
Last night, he had an extra special “Special Comment” and it’s something everyone should see:
If you would rather read the transcript, click here.
On a lighter note, I offer a compilation of Letterman’s Great Moments in Presidential Speeches. And, my all-time favorite! I think I say “internets” at least five times a day!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Going with the flow

Monday, September 03, 2007
That Dog Won’t Hunt

It’s interesting, leading up to Saturday’s game, there was all kinds of talk in the media about what Carr’s legacy would be. Well, he defined his legacy by coaching (I use that word loosely) his team to the biggest defeat in college football history. No matter what the team does the rest of the season, this will never go away! We’ll always be the #1 seed that finally lost to the #16 seed.
There are NO excuses for what happened Saturday. Being in the stands, I saw a team that was unmotivated and unprepared. I saw a team that was completely predictable and this was confirmed by the entire Appalachian State team in the post-game interviews. But, a complete lack of imagination and an inability to adjust, not to mention the failure to ever go for the throat or play to an opponent’s weakness is what most of us fans have seen for years now. I can’t say what happened on Saturday is a complete shock because it’s seems we’ve been building up to this (or should I say deteriorating to this) since our national championship season in 1997.
The ’97 season was magical, due mostly to Charles Woodson. As is typical, we did just enough to get by offensively, always waiting for Woodson to make a difference. I sometimes think if 1997 hadn’t happened, maybe Carr would have been gone a long time ago. But, half a national championship buys you lifetime job security in Ann Arbor and allows you to do whatever you want. For example, he hired back his friend and crony (Mike DeBord) to handle the offense after he did such a bang-up job (12-34 over four years) at his previous school (Central Michigan of the high-powered MAC). Sounds like a great hire and, better yet, a great candidate for the future head coaching job at Michigan (especially if Carr has anything to do with it)! He absolutely refuses to put any thought into special teams, which is evident in how many issues we’ve had over the years. There is no individual coach who handles special teams, like at most schools. It’s coaching by committee at Michigan, which always makes for great execution like getting two field goals blocked on Saturday. He also loves his seniors, always choosing seniority over talent, unless his seniors are maimed on the field and underclassmen have to play by default. If it wasn’t for injuries to starters, who knows when Chad Henne or Mike Hart might have made their Wolverine debut! On Saturday, a walk-on, senior kicker was on the field kicking field goals with his eyes closed (I saw this photo on Saturday and now I can’t find it) while a SCHOLARSHIP kicker sat the bench. I could go on and on but it will just piss me off more and more.
For the first time since 1979, we have a three-game losing streak. Of course, our obligatory losses to Ohio State and our bowl opponent du jour along with the Appalachian State disaster. At this point, Michigan football is known for the following things: losing that big game early; losing another crap game during the season that we shouldn’t; losing to Ohio State; losing in the bowl game; and now losing to Appalachian State in the biggest upset in the history of college football.
No matter what we do the rest of the way, it won’t matter. The season is over and we’re the laughingstock of college football – and will be for years to come! Of course, the rallying cry in the locker room after the game was as follows: we still have a lot to play for; we still have a Big Ten championship to win. To that I say, who the eff cares! It’s not just about Big Ten titles and Rose Bowls anymore. The game has changed and the stakes are higher and, unfortunately for Michigan football, its leader has been passed by.
I’ve met Carr on several occasions and I know he’s a nice guy. He’s a great speaker and he does many, many nice things for the community. And, the Carr apologists out there love to say that “he runs a clean program and he has good kids” but that’s not so much the case anymore with our academic standards in question and players in trouble left and right.
If this awful, embarrassing, devastating loss is a catalyst for change, I could concede that MAYBE, just maybe, it’s a blessing in disguise. But, I think I know better. Carr will leave when he wants and most likely will have a big say in the selection of his successor. In spite of Carr, Michigan football has been able to sustain itself but how much longer can we survive the slow deterioration that most people can see so clearly? I hope Bill Martin has an answer to this question!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32

I'm sure we'll have more to say once we're off suicide watch.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Can't get it out of my head!
I think my favorite part is the crying vegetables!
This is from the new Nick Jr. show called Yo Gabba Gabba!
Good Lord! What has happened to me?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
On this day …

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Potty Wednesdays
As I documented at the beginning of the month, Harmon has started to use the potty a little bit. Although he has gone once for Kevin (he hasn’t gone for me at all yet), he seems to do it every Wednesday when my Mom is here. I don’t know what it is about her but, when she’s here, he asks to use the potty. I don’t really care who he goes for as long as he has an interest in going. I know it will be a long process but at least there is some potty progress!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Spot Takes the Plunge
Harmon has loved his baths lately. While we’re out walking, he’ll start asking for bubbles and then care barely wait until we get home. Kevin will start his bath water and Harmon will run back and forth between the living room and the bathroom getting various toys to throw in the tub. Usually, it’s just balls but, last week, he threw his “Spot Goes to School” book in there! It took us a while to notice so Spot took a hit. We thought about just putting Spot down but then I felt guilty and spent the next half hour blow drying it. Of course, he wanted to read it before bed that very night and we had to tell him Spot was on the 15-day DL. We tried to explain that books don’t go in the tub but realized there was a serious flaw in our logic since he’s had Bobalong Whale with him in the tub for about a year now. Guess we’ll just have to make sure no more books take the plunge!
As a side note, we wouldn’t have minded if all three of his Spot books went into the tub and immediately disintegrated. Harmon’s Grandma (or “eema,” as he says) got him "Where’s Spot?" earlier this year and he LOVED it! He loved it SO MUCH that we ended up reading it about 15,000 TIMES EACH DAY. The next time she visited, she brought him “Spot Goes to the Farm” and we were happy that we could read a DIFFERENT Spot book. We then bought him “Spot Goes to School,” mostly because he saw it at Borders, begged for it and didn’t want to let it go, even when we were checking out. We like little Spot just fine – he’s cute and goes on many adventures. But, because of the sheer repetition, we’re hoping one day to discover “Spot Meets a Goodyear” on the shelves at Borders!
As a side note, we wouldn’t have minded if all three of his Spot books went into the tub and immediately disintegrated. Harmon’s Grandma (or “eema,” as he says) got him "Where’s Spot?" earlier this year and he LOVED it! He loved it SO MUCH that we ended up reading it about 15,000 TIMES EACH DAY. The next time she visited, she brought him “Spot Goes to the Farm” and we were happy that we could read a DIFFERENT Spot book. We then bought him “Spot Goes to School,” mostly because he saw it at Borders, begged for it and didn’t want to let it go, even when we were checking out. We like little Spot just fine – he’s cute and goes on many adventures. But, because of the sheer repetition, we’re hoping one day to discover “Spot Meets a Goodyear” on the shelves at Borders!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back it up!

When he wants you to read to him (which is, pretty much, all the time), he’ll go get his books of choice and, if you’re sitting on the floor, he’ll back up into you until he falls in your lap. It’s funny to see this little butt keep backing up and backing up and then he practically trips over your legs and falls into your lap. It shows incredible trust on his part, knowing that we’re going to be there to catch him. It’s like those team building exercises (I think they’re called trust falls) that co-workers do at their company retreats but MUCH, MUCH cuter!
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