Lately, Harmon has been OBSESSED with the Backyardigans. While he’s always liked them, over the last month or so he’s really shunned all other cartoons in favor of the Backyardigans. No more Mickey, Little Einsteins or Handy Manny, it’s the Backyardigans 24/7. He has several books that he carries around and sleeps with (and has us read them ad nauseam). He has a
Pablo Beanie Baby that I got for him that he simply can’t get enough of. He knows they are on at 9 a.m. and he reminds us ALL THE TIME. He also knows there are episodes on Comcast’s On Demand and he’ll ever so slyly suggest that we go downstairs and watch these (especially
W-I-O-WA - the Corniest Station in the Nation)!
But, the silliest Backyardigans possession has to be his box of
fruit snacks. We saw these one night while picking up a few things at Hiller’s Market. We got them thinking he would EAT them but, no, he wanted them just for the box. To date, he has eaten exactly ONE packet of fruit snacks yet he carries this mangled, tattered box around like it’s his “
woobie!” We suggested taking the snacks out, cutting out the photo on the front of the box and giving it to him but he HAS to have the full box to clutch or it’s just not the same. The box is practically falling apart and has been taped back together more times than we can count but he loves it. Pre-schoolers are funny birds!