He loves the clocks in our house and whenever they chime, he runs around saying “ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong” in tune.
He’s still talking a ton and repeating everything (we have to be SO careful). He says truck but puts an “f” in place of the “tr,” so that’s always fun. He also says clock (especially when it chimes, see above) but conveniently forgets the “l.” He is speaking in simple sentences and still is saying new words every day. Lately, he loves to say “hey, baby!”
When he falls down, which seems to be all the time, he comes running to us doing this fake-cry thing to get a sympathy hug. Once he gets that hug, he’s back at it. Also, if he wants you to go somewhere with him, he’ll walk up to you, say “hand, hand,” grab your hand and lead you where he wants you to go!
We’ve really worked hard lately on colors. His Legos (or noo-noos, as he calls them) come in red, yellow, blue, green, orange and purple so he knows those colors pretty well. It’s the cutest thing to hear him say orange. He’s also been interested in his numbers over the past couple of weeks and he can count to 13. I don’t know why 13, but he loves 13!
Before bed (or before one of us leaves), Harmon gives a hug, a regular kiss and an Eskimo kiss. He has to give all three and he has to give all three to both of us. And, speaking of bed, he is at the point where he can get one leg over the top of his crib. So, I think we’re going to have to lower it to the lowest and final notch. In addition to the crib thing, he’s also climbing on all items of furniture. He climbs up on his chair and then uses the chair to climb on the couch. Sometimes, he’ll actually sit there with us for two whole seconds!
A few months ago, the music and sounds on his stroller stopped working (evidently, the wires came lose and needed to be soldered back together). Kevin fixed it about a week ago and Harmon has been addicted to it ever since. He hasn’t even wanted to go for walks in his beloved wagon lately because he would rather play the music (on a freakin’ continuous loop) in his stroller.
His favorite things lately have been TWO BALLS (I hope his love for balls never goes away), hanging out in his pool, reading, and stalking his monitor (he is obsessed with that thing and we have no idea why)!