On Saturday, my Mom and Dad came to Ann Arbor to watch Harmon while Kevin and I went to the Michigan-Ball State football game. It looked like a snoozer so we left at the half. Turns out, it wasn’t such a snoozer after all and Michigan almost threw away their perfect season. Anyway, in lieu of watching Michigan pull a typical Michigan, Kevin and I decided to go to a matinee of Borat. What a great decision and what a great movie! We laughed the whole time! We watched Da Ali G Show on HBO and have seen Borat many, many times so we knew what we were getting into and were more than happy to dive in. Of course, now we can’t wait until the DVD is released so we can watch it over and over again. Movies like that tend to get funnier with each viewing. Late Saturday night, after Harmon went to bed, we finally watched the movie we originally rented to watch on Halloween – Wolf Creek. Although we’re not really into horror flicks, we thought we would give this one a try and it was pretty good. Evidently, it’s based on a true story, which always makes things a little scarier. Check it out.
On Sunday, we switched around Harmon’s car seat and he’s now facing forward. He was more than a little confused when we were out running errands but was more used to it today. One of the many errands we had to run yesterday was to get stuff for Harmon’s first birthday party. The big event will be Saturday, Nov. 11. We wanted to do it on Saturday instead of his actual birthday as Kevin’s family will need to travel back to Illinois on Sunday. We’ll be preparing all week so, hopefully, it will go well.
OK, some interesting links:
Stop whining! And, only he would comment about someone eating cheeseburgers. Also, could he be any more full of himself. Hey, ND, get over it. You’re NOT going to play in the title game playing the crap schedule you play. Enough of all the bragging about your tough schedule – ooooooh, the service academies.
Check out this link to our FAVORITE radio show. The Jim Rome Show deserves an entry all it’s own and we hope to put that together soon.
OK, more later. Out!