Harmon took the next step to becoming a little boy when we bought him a set of four trucks. They are a little bigger than Matchbox cars, so he can't eat them, but small enough to race around on every surface. This includes the box from our new TV, which, despite being in the same room with at least 50 others toys, is his favorite. Harmon is really good at identifying all of his toys, stuffed animals, family members, etc. When we asked him about his four new trucks, he calls the fire truck, appropriately, "fire fruck." The train is "choo-coo frain." There is another truck which hauls two small, white cannisters. This is his "milk fruck." To us, the real mystery was, what would he call the fourth truck? It is pretty nondescript. It is not a dump truck, nor does it haul anything. But it does have a yellow hood. So, we asked Harmon what this truck was, and he amazed us with ... "yellow fruck." Don't babies just make it simple sometimes?