We chose a blue theme, with jeans and navy tops. Of course, Harmon’s outfit was the whole inspiration! We wanted to be outside and what better place than campus. We decided on Angell Hall as the backdrop, which was good and bad. Good in that there weren’t a lot of people around to distract us and get in the background of our photos but bad in that there’s construction nearby (oh, cranes and cement mixers) and about 100 buses drove by while my sister was shooting and Harmon was going bananas.
We went to campus in the late afternoon on Sunday, Nov. 4 and shot for about 45 minutes. My parents and other sister, Erin, also were there to try to get Harmon to smile on demand. Then we had a birthday dinner for Harmon at Pizza House followed by cake and presents back at our house. It was an awesome day and the pictures turned out perfect. My sister did a fantastic job so now she’s on the hook again for next year – if she dares!
I’ve included a few below but if you would like to see them all, click here.