He’s doing well – smiling, cooing and eating like a horse. At his one-month appointment, he weighed 10 pounds, putting him only 1 ½ pounds less than big brother at the same point. Early on, he was sleeping through feedings – and losing weight – so our doctor told us to make sure he was eating every three hours, even if we had to wake him, to get his weight up. Well, his weight IS up, which is great, but now he expects to eat every three hours! And, when he is hungry, he is damn near impossible to deal with! At this point, he eats five ounces at most of his feedings (he’ll cut back to four ounces overnight and at other random times). And, speaking of overnight, he’s not sleeping through the night just yet. He slept midnight to 6 a.m. last week and, this past Sunday night, I wonder if he would have slept through the night if I didn’t wake him (I didn’t want to waste the bottle – I suck, I know, but formula is expensive). I hope this will come soon, though, because Harmon was sleeping through the night at seven weeks and then we moved him to his crib at eight weeks. We got spoiled. But, as long as this is sort of under control by the time I return to work, I’ll be happy. His two-month appointment is this coming Monday so I’ll have more to share then!