Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Special Comment

I try not to let myself get too into politics these days. This administration has been such a disaster from the beginning that if I DO get into it, it’s really hard to get away from it. It’s so enraging that it just starts to take over. But, hey, at least I didn’t vote for him and thus can sleep at night.

One show Kevin and I do watch is Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Maybe it’s his SportsCenter history that drew us in but he’s great to watch and much more intelligent (and funny) than doing NFL highlights required him to be.

Last night, he had an extra special “Special Comment” and it’s something everyone should see:

If you would rather read the transcript, click here.

On a lighter note, I offer a compilation of Letterman’s Great Moments in Presidential Speeches. And, my all-time favorite! I think I say “internets” at least five times a day!