Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday talk

On Tuesdays, Kevin and Harmon drop me off at work first. As we near the medical campus, Harmon starts yelling “HELPACAS” from the back seat. He knows we’re near the U-M Survival Flight helipad and he also knows that we’ll go see those helicopters on our way home. The second we turn onto Wall Street, where my building is located, he starts his goodbyes, telling me things like “bye, bye, Mama” and “Mama working.” Of course, after they drop me off, he continues to be a jabber box in the car and, depending on his mood, it’s either “friends, friends” or “no, no, no friends” on his way to day care! My FAVORITE part of Tuesday, though, is at the end of my work day. Kevin picks up Harmon and then comes to get me. As I leave my building, Kevin rolls down all the car windows so I can hear Harmon just yelling “MAMA” across the entire parking lot. After his yells of “Mama,” there usually is a round of belly laughter that I just can’t get enough of. It’s such a great way to let work melt away and dive back into being a Mommy!