It seems everyone had their own piece of advice to share while I was pregnant but there were two things I remember, in particular, that now are tried and true – you’re life will never be the same and being a Mom is the best thing in the world. Harmon, my life indeed will never be the same – and I mean that in the best possible way. Sometimes, I come home on Wednesdays and you’re out shopping with Grandma and I don’t know what to do with myself. You’ve become such a huge part of my life that I feel empty when you’re not with me. I feel like my sole purpose is to be your Mom. And, being your Mom IS the best job in the world. You are such a good baby and your Daddy and I feel so very blessed. We’ve heard so many baby horror stories from our friends and family members and are so glad NOT to have any of our own to share. You are such a happy baby (with the best belly laugh) and you have the most beautiful smile, especially with those big brown eyes. You light us up when we see you! You’ve adjusted to so many new things and so many new people and you always do it with a smile.
Every night, before I go to bed, I come in to see you and say goodnight. You’re usually dead asleep and it’s so fun to watch you sleep so peacefully. Before I leave, though, I always pray that you live a long, happy and healthy life and that I am with you as long as possible to see all that you’ll do and all that you’ll become. I pray that you achieve every goal and that your every dream will come true. I vow to help you and protect you and, lastly, I pray that I can be a good Mom to you. I know I’m not perfect and I don’t have it all figured out (and probably never will). I know I should be more patient and I should enjoy each day with you instead of always anticipating what is next. Daddy always says how much you love me, how your face lights up when you see me. Even though your favorite word is “dada,” you usually give me all the hugs and kisses. I love you so much, Harmon, more than anything else in this world and I am so happy – more than words can say – that you are my son. Happy first birthday, little buddy!