OK, some funny things that happened while Harmon was “under the influence” of a mixture of Amoxicillin, Motrin and Tylenol:
1. In the waiting room, which was filled with only sick little BOYS (GD, where were all the girls? Wait, I know. Probably shopping since babyGap and Children’s Place contain 90 percent girl clothes), Harmon took a quick liking to a wall-mounted abacus that is in the waiting room (the beads look like balls – hence the attraction). Of course, as soon as Harmon started playing with it, another little boy – who was maybe four or five years old – had to come check it out. He (I think his name was Tyler) came over and started hogging it thinking Harmon would just move out of the way but he was sadly mistaken. Harmon stood strong, not giving up any ground, and continued to play until Tyler grew bored. All the while this is going on, Harmon was jabbering more than any of the other little boys in the waiting room even though he was much, much younger than they were. I looked at my Mom (who was nice enough to meet us at the doctor’s office so we didn’t have to leave work any earlier than was absolutely necessary) and said “why is my 14 ½ month old son the loudest of the bunch in the waiting room?” You would not have known he wasn’t feeling well if you would have seen him at that point – he would not shut up!
2. Once we got home, Harmon was being really silly, saying weird things and doing weird stuff. He also was tripping all over everything and falling down like a drunken sailor. I think maybe he was hopped up on some Motrin since the nurse gave him a dose more suitable for Andre the Giant than a 14 ½ month old!
3. Lastly, along the lines of doing silly things, Harmon finally discovered his football. He usually plays with every other ball BUT the football but, for some reason, he found it and could not get enough of throwing it. We thought it was ironic because Wednesday, Feb. 7 was National Signing Day. Maybe it’s a sign of things to come!