The last month of Simon's life occurred during the busiest time of the year so it's impressive that I remember ANY of it! I do remember that the tooth to the right of his top front tooth finally busted through on Nov. 30 after his gums there were black and blue for weeks. I thought maybe he had fallen and injured that tooth but the little pearly white finally came through and put my mind at ease. This month also brought a ton of multi-syllable babbling complete with pointing at everything. He was like an Elmo doll that just got turned on!
On the heels of his first hot dog on Dec. 9 (my Mom let him have one when she was watching him), he also started camping out in front of the open refridgerator door to get a drink of his water. And, speaking of drinks, he made the transition to from formula to milk but that deserves a post all its own (bye, bye, Enfamil)!