He also got to hear a lot of "real" animal noises which, I'm sure, are a vast improvement on my rendition of "Old MacDonald." One particular lamb was bitchy, though. I wanted to pet her (she was brown and white, so pretty) but she was having none of it. Kevin and I cornered her but she immediately started "baaing" and wouldn't stop. We left her alone but she continued to complain to the rest of the flock! We had fun and will go back again once Harmon is a little more aware.

He was preparing for the MSU@U-M baseball game so we stopped in for a bit. Harmon hadn't seen Schneids since he was about a month old so it was fun catching up. And, Harmon got his first taste of baseball, so Mommy was happy.
On Saturday, my sister, Erin, graduated from the University of Michigan. Although it was a long ceremony, there was a great speaker, Christiane Amanpour, from CNN. The first line of her speech referenced the currently-under-construction Big House and how she felt very comfortable there because she was used to being in bombed-out places. It went over well! Even though it was Erin's day, Harmon garnered his fair share of attention.

Maybe it was the hat!
At one point, my sister, Stacey, said, "Oh, I forgot the baby was graduating." Too funny! After the ceremony, everyone came back to our house for snacks and the NFL draft/Tigers' game and later we had a delicious dinner at the Gandy Dancer. All and all, good times! And, congrats to Erin! I can't believe that 15 years of my Mom and Dad hauling all three of us to Ann Arbor has come to an end!
On Monday night, something totally hilarious happened! The Detroit Red Wings lost AGAIN in the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs! I'm not the world's biggest hockey fan and when I do actually watch hockey, I spend my time cheering against the Wings in the playoffs. The #1 seeded and seemingly indestructible Red Wings lost to the lowly, #8 seeded Edmonton Oilers – who would have imagined! It was during the Detroit Tigers' really bad, bad years (are we out of those yet?) that I woke up one day and realized that, with both teams having the same owner, the better the Red Wings were meant the worst the Tigers were. And, being a die hard Tigers' fan, I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm sure Kevin's hatred of the Red Wings helped these feelings along as well. At any rate, I derive great pleasure in seeing that team flop yet again when they were supposed to dominate. In reality, though, it's hockey and who really cares. It's what, the 10th most popular sport, behind NASCAR, figure skating, curling, etc. All I can say is too bad, Red Wings. Boo hoo!
One last thing, I hope you all saw these videos. Awesome!
Oops, and this. That's some crazy preaching!
OK, that's all for now folks but stay tuned as Kevin has some big news!