Our vacation to Pittsburgh brought on a whole new side of Simon, competitiveness. It was really the first time we've all been together since he's been mobile and interactive and he was battling for his share of attention. It was a race to see who could talk first, who could get to the door first, etc. Simon also learned quickly that if he cried, even a little bit, chances were good that big brother would get in trouble for it. And, speaking of big brother, "big bro" became "babo" this month (he also will say Harmon). His other new words this month were Grandma, Grandpa and Cici (for Aunt Stacey) and Enin (for Aunt Erin) and, finally, SIMON! His language was inspired by our trip and his words of the month were "bus" and "tunnel." Who knew the Fort Pitt Tunnel would hold such a special place in our memories of Simon at this age!