From the beginning, you’ve been relatively laid back and pretty low maintenance. You’ve been so healthy (knock on wood) and that may be because you got a jump start on most other babies by being born over nine pounds! You’ve always been a great eater – we’ve really had no problems with formula or any foods – save for the eggs and the fish that one time (we should probably test those things again). You never once fussed about all those incoming teeth (we still can’t believe it). You were quick to sleep through the night and you did great when we moved you to your crib. You also were easy to break from both your bottle and your binky. And, being that you’re a boy, I must admit that the potty training has gone relatively well too although Daddy can attest there were days I thought you would NEVER get it.
You’ve been a blabbermouth since you started yelling “dadadadada” when you were six months old and your language today makes us simply shake our heads. We just can’t believe all the things that come out of your mouth! So, while you thanked us for your birthday presents, we thank you:
For your brown eyes
For your perfect profile
For suddenly showing people that you look like Mommy, too
For all your snuggles and hugs
For telling Daddy “you have a big belly”
For your manners (most of the time)
For smiling and posing for more than 1,500 photos (so far!)
For being so loving to all of your family members
For serenading Mommy with shouts of “Mama!” when she comes out of work
For being a fan of Coach Rod (even if you didn’t want to say ‘Hi’ to him)
For being excited about being a big brother
For being a good boy at “school”
For being gentle with your “little sister” Isabel
For dancing in the living room and shaking your booty
For the voicemails when you wake up from Friday naps and say “Hi, Daddy”
For sitting through three quarters of two Michigan football games
For knowing the words to “The Victors”
For being so good on the potty, even telling us, “I’m going to be here another minute”
For all of your singing, even if it is the Backyardigans theme ad nauseum
For the happiest three years of our lives
For being you
We love you, Harmon