In case you didn't notice in the Cheerio video, Harmon is big into the hand clapping these days. He really started doing it this past weekend and loves to do it all the time now. Must be all the clapping we do whenever he does, well, anything. We've also noticed him pounding on his chest, a la Tarzan during the last few diaper changes. He's so funny!
Feeling guilty about all the "da-da-da-da-da" that is heard around the house 24/7, Kevin has been working like crazy with Harmon on "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma." Sometimes, it sounds like "ma-ma" but other times it sounds like "ba-ba," "wa-wa" or "ya-ya." Who knows! One day, I hope to hear a definitive "ma-ma." In the meantime, though, I'll have to settle for him reaching for me and the beginnings of kisses and hugs.

Since it's been SO FREAKIN' HOT here this last week, we haven't been able to take our nightly walk and I think we're feeling the effects. Usually, Harmon is a fantastic sleeper, going to bed around 9:30 p.m. and sleeping until 6:30 a.m. or so. However, the last few days, he's been walking up around 4:30 a.m. It's not a violent wake up, he's usually playing and talking, but he's awake nonetheless. So, we've had to get up and get him back to sleep. It might also be hotter than usual in the house (why does it feel like the air doesn't even work at all when it's SO hot outside) or I have a feeling that he moves all over the place and then wakes up all freaked out like he doesn't know where he is. Anyway, once we flip him back on his belly, get him tucked back in and rub his back for a few minutes, he's usually back to sleep again. I realize it could be worse but …
Last bit of Harmon news, on Saturday, we stopped by Marshall Field's (soon to be Macy's – sad) to check out a few things. Harmon was in a great mood and, while in the elevator, Kevin and I were laughing about something and he started laughing. Sensing big belly laughs on the way, we continued and he was dying! I think everyone in the depleted upstairs area could hear him! I wish I had that video camera on me at all times so I could record every moment.
If you haven’t seen these commercials yet, check them out. They’re awesome but maybe that’s because I’m a car geek. Oooooooo, the Germans!