Now that Harmon has been at his new day care for four months, I think he’s finally getting comfortable. Sometimes, at the end of the day – depending on what toy he’s playing with – he’s not all that ready to run out the door. And, more importantly, he hasn’t cried at drop-off time in a while (I hope I didn’t just jinx it – damn). I think the teachers finally are getting comfortable with him, too, and this is evident by them sharing more stories lately. When I dropped him off last Thursday, his teacher stopped me to tell me a funny story. In addition to telling me what a good baby he is (which we can’t hear enough), she wanted to tell me about his behavior at lunch time – I immediately thought, please God, no tantrum stories. Anyway, he and the 11 other “grasshoppers” eat at mini tables and chairs, which I imagine can be a challenge (high chairs have that added benefit of keeping the kid trapped while you wrestle to put peas in his or her craw). While lots of the other kids tend to get up and run around during lunch, the teacher said that Harmon always stays seated until he is dismissed. Even if he’s done eating, he sits and waits patiently until he’s told he can go play. I thought this was the sweetest thing! Because he stays seated until dismissed, the other day one of the little girls in his class assumed he was either a) not done eating or b) wanted more to eat so she moved near him and started feeding him her yogurt. He kept leaning to the side to steal a bite and then straightening up and looking back at the teacher for his permission to move about – very funny.
Probably within the last month, several of the teachers have commented on his unbelievable language or how he sings so much more than the other kids his age OR just the simple fact that he is SO funny. While all this stuff feels so good to hear (much easier to digest than bad reports of hitting or biting), we just like to think he’s adjusting well to the new place and the teachers really are getting to know him well. All good things!