At an early age, Harmon earned the nickname “Nate.” Harmon quickly became “Harmonator,” like the Terminator. “Harmonator” was shortened to “Nator” and “Nator” became “Nate.” We still call him Nate a lot and even Nate Dogg (like the rapper) sometimes. When Simon was born, we wondered what nicknames we would come up with for him. While we often call him “Baby Abs” – short for baby Abner (his middle name) – the nickname we use most is “Newt.” You see, when Simon gets really mad, he gets all red and Kevin thinks he looks just like a newt. While he’s much cuter than a newt, I can see the resemblance!
The photo above is from a sticker Simon got at a recent doctor’s appointment. While he’s too young to appreciate stickers, I HAD to get one to take home to Kevin (and eventually scan for the blog). I think it illustrates the whole newt thing perfectly!