First off, this is a real shocker! I guess not really, especially after this! When’s the last time we had a decent basketball recruit, 1991? Jesus! Can something be done about this travesty of a program? It’s so aggravating, embarrassing, maddening, etc. Why do I bleed maize and blue like I do!
- And, while we’re at it, glad these guys (above) are having so much fun while our football program goes down the crapper. Hey, laugh it up, enjoy your night!
- OK, as many of you know, my Mom watches Harmon on Wednesdays. When he naps, she gets bored. So, instead of camping out in front of HBO (like I do) or reading a book (I do that too, sometimes), she finds things to do in our house. For several weeks in a row, she folded and put away our laundry even though I TRIED TO HIDE IT FROM HER. This past Wednesday, I successfully hid the laundry (YES!) but she found other things to pass the time. She cleaned our stove, our sinks and plucked the weeds out of our ivy bed! This woman cannot be stopped, she was made to do this stuff and she can’t help herself. Of course, I am immensely grateful for all this but I wish she would just relax and enjoy her time with Harmon, even if it’s just watching him sleep!
- Since Harmon has grown out of the Pampers Swaddlers (sizes 1 & 2), we went in search of a new diaper for size 3. When we were on our Costco run for 10,000 cans of Enfamil, we decided to try Huggies. Let me just say that I HATE THEM! Every time we change him, he has all this crystallized goo all over him. The diaper matter in the front must break down or something and it takes FOREVER (and 30 wipes) to get it off him. Unfortunately, we bought a HUGE box of these damn things so I think I’ll send them to day care and we’ll try either the Pampers Baby Dry or Pampers Cruisers. Grrrrr.
- Bruce, what’s up with this? I heard you put another E Street Band project on hold to do The Seeger Sessions. And, even worse, you’re teasing me by stopping in Detroit on June 17. I want to go but I know that instead of hearing Rosalita, Born to Run or Land of Hope and Dreams, I’ll hear cover tunes. I’m so sad!
- OK, if ever I enter the inside of a movie theater again, I have to see this. Although I’m not a NASCAR fan (at all), I love Will Ferrell.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Odds and ends
Easter and stuff
For the Easter holiday, we went to visit Kevin's family in Peoria, Ill. Kevin's parents haven't seen Harmon since his baptism in February so, needless to say, they were excited. We left Friday morning not really knowing what to expect making a six-hour drive with a five-month old. We stopped near Kalamazoo to feed little Harmon and when packing up to get back on the road, we discovered this sad, sad sight:

How could someone leave a Dunkin Donuts Munchkin behind? Especially a glazed chocolate cake one? What a tragedy!
After a few more hours in the car, we stopped just south of Joliet for another feeding. Although I wanted to see the town where Rudy was from (well, not really), Kevin was excited to get a glimpse of the Michigan Wolverines' 2006 (note, not 2007) bowl destination: El Paso.
OK, so it's not the "real" El Paso (as in Texas) where the prestigious (ha, ha) Sun Bowl is played but does it really matter when we suck so badly!
After getting into Peoria around dinner time, we joined Kevin's parents and sister at Donnelly's Shamrock Pub, which has THE BEST cheese soup ever! During dinner, Harmon started to get a little fussy but being trapped in a car seat for hours on end will do that to a little guy. We got him home and in bed but he didn't stay there for long. It was one hundred million degrees there and, being born in November, he had no clue what warm weather is. He also was all out of sorts sleeping in a new place, hearing new sounds, etc. so he woke up at 2 a.m., 3 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. – what a joy!
On Saturday, the little man wore shorts for the first time. Just look at those white legs!
Later in the day, we visited Kevin's best friend and his family and checked out their awesome new house. And, Kevin's uncle and godparents came over for dinner to visit with us to see Harmon.
Sunday was the big day as Kevin's family has a family reunion of sorts every Easter. The first time I met Kevin's extended family was at Easter 2000 and there were 60 people and it was crazy! We got engaged on Good Friday and then I was indoctrinated two days later! So, I was a little worried about Harmon and sensory overload and all that. We started the day at 9 a.m. Mass with Kevin's parents, then took thousands of pictures of Harmon in his Easter outfit and finally headed to his aunt's house for the big party. As soon as we walked up to the house, Kevin put Harmon's carrier down and all 15 of his cousins swooped in to get a look. The rest of the night, he was passed from one person to the next and, much to my surprise, he did a great job! He met many, many members of the family, most importantly his Aunt Kim (who had been dying to see him since he was born but it just hadn't worked out).
After quite a day, he totally crashed that night--we didn't have to worry about him waking up at all! On Monday around noon, we hit the road back to Michigan. Kevin's parents were SO sad to see us leave but they already are making plans to visit in May! Harmon did pretty well on the way home, as you can see:
Overall, we had a great weekend and I'm so glad everyone got to meet Harmon. You only get to be the new baby once! And, of course, he collected quite the loot during his visit. This kid will never want for anything!

How could someone leave a Dunkin Donuts Munchkin behind? Especially a glazed chocolate cake one? What a tragedy!
After a few more hours in the car, we stopped just south of Joliet for another feeding. Although I wanted to see the town where Rudy was from (well, not really), Kevin was excited to get a glimpse of the Michigan Wolverines' 2006 (note, not 2007) bowl destination: El Paso.

After getting into Peoria around dinner time, we joined Kevin's parents and sister at Donnelly's Shamrock Pub, which has THE BEST cheese soup ever! During dinner, Harmon started to get a little fussy but being trapped in a car seat for hours on end will do that to a little guy. We got him home and in bed but he didn't stay there for long. It was one hundred million degrees there and, being born in November, he had no clue what warm weather is. He also was all out of sorts sleeping in a new place, hearing new sounds, etc. so he woke up at 2 a.m., 3 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. – what a joy!

On Saturday, the little man wore shorts for the first time. Just look at those white legs!
Later in the day, we visited Kevin's best friend and his family and checked out their awesome new house. And, Kevin's uncle and godparents came over for dinner to visit with us to see Harmon.
Sunday was the big day as Kevin's family has a family reunion of sorts every Easter. The first time I met Kevin's extended family was at Easter 2000 and there were 60 people and it was crazy! We got engaged on Good Friday and then I was indoctrinated two days later! So, I was a little worried about Harmon and sensory overload and all that. We started the day at 9 a.m. Mass with Kevin's parents, then took thousands of pictures of Harmon in his Easter outfit and finally headed to his aunt's house for the big party. As soon as we walked up to the house, Kevin put Harmon's carrier down and all 15 of his cousins swooped in to get a look. The rest of the night, he was passed from one person to the next and, much to my surprise, he did a great job! He met many, many members of the family, most importantly his Aunt Kim (who had been dying to see him since he was born but it just hadn't worked out).
After quite a day, he totally crashed that night--we didn't have to worry about him waking up at all! On Monday around noon, we hit the road back to Michigan. Kevin's parents were SO sad to see us leave but they already are making plans to visit in May! Harmon did pretty well on the way home, as you can see:

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