Harmon began what we hope to be a long and successful athletic career on Saturday, Jan. 16 when he attended his first soccer practice. While soccer quite frankly BORES ME TO TEARS (to be fair, Kevin likes it), there weren’t a lot of sports options around town for 4 year olds. There was floor hockey (um, NO), gymnastics (come ON, the kid is huge) and swimming (we would have gone with this one but there were scheduling issues). Anyway, upon arriving, he was a little hesitant to get out there with the other kids but, eventually, he ventured out into the chaos with Kevin. He did a great job listening to the British Elite Soccer (oooooooooooo) instructors and doing what he was told and it looked like he was having fun. I think the next practice will be even better, especially when he a) can go out there WITHOUT Kevin and he b) won’t feel the need to come visit me and Simon all the time. We all went to the first practice but I think it will be best for future practices if just one of us goes. It’s just fewer distractions. This first class is only five weeks long and then we’ll see what else is out there. I am DYING for t-ball and, eventually, Little League but he needs to be in kindergarten for those. In due time!