A side note on the restaurant mentioned above, El Taco Loco. I'ts not ACTUALLY called El Taco Loco anymore. Several years ago, this restaurant was located in my hometown of Pontiac, Mich. It was a total hole-in-the-wall place, with only four tables for people to dine. But, it was immensely popular! People would come from all around to get the good Mexican food. For some reason, though, the owners closed this location and opened the current location in Farmington Hills. The new spot, however, was named Camelia's Authentic Mexican Cuisine. Being the old schoolers that we are, though, we continue to call it El Taco Loco, which is kind of funny.
My youngest sister, Erin, is graduating from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) this Saturday so I spent all weekend (well, when we weren't inside ABC Warehouse) looking for something to wear. Since Harmon was born, I haven't bought much clothing. Actually, I think the ONLY things I have bought were two pairs of sweatpants and a new Michigan sweatshirt. Since I can't wear those things to graduation (DAMN), I had to force myself to try on some clothes. I tried on some pants at the Gap and they actually fit, although I didn't end up buying them. I went to New York & Company and tried on several things and they all fit too. Who knew! I ended up buying some dressy cropped pants and a light sweater so, hopefully, I'll look OK. The surprise of the trip to NY & Co., however, was that I tried on some knit gaucho pants and actually liked them. This right after I told my sister, Stacey, that I HATED them. We were sitting outside Starbucks on Friday afternoon enjoying our delicious Light Mocha Frappuccinos and being hilarious and some girl walked out wearing those damn gaucho pants. I commented vehemently how stupid they look and how much I hated them. Guess I should have tried some on before I spouted off because, if I DO buy a pair, I'm sure my sister will remind me! Maybe if I buy them, I'll wear them to her MBA graduation from Oakland University on May 6!
By the way, Kevin really wants to see this. It takes him back to his U-M Sports Information gymnastics days. Ahhh, yes!
For good measure, here's a new Harmon photo!