When it was still cold, they would sometimes go see a movie or go to an indoor play area. Once it got warm, though, they were all about the kiddie pool. Unlike our backyard, which is small and, um, slanted (understatement), my parents have a huge backyard with plush green grass. In short, a yard that is awesome for a kiddie pool and the boys will play out there for hours. Before they come in, though, my Mom will give them yard showers. These are showers outside in the yard with the hose. Soap is involved, as are cushy wash clothes and towels. The boys love these, even though the water from the hose is cold.
After a nice yard shower, they usually come in for dinner and, if they're good, they'll stop by Dairy Queen on the way to meet me and Kevin. I hope, as they get older, they'll remember the fun Wednesdays they spent at Nana and Papa's house.