The 15th month was kind of a big deal. It included things like talking, blowing kisses and WALKING! Once he got the walking down, he started talking more. With Harmon, it was just the opposite. As I've heard so many times from doctors and parents, it's hard for toddlers to concentrate on more than one big thing at a time. So, yes, more words is a good, good thing. We taught him to blow kisses to us and he obliges on most occasions. Around Valentine's Day, we found the source of what seemed like an infinite amount of drool - four more teeth, including his first molar. Such a big boy.
The 15th month also brought his first time playing in the snow (Feb. 10). He had a great time and only cried for a short time after he fell face-first into the snow! He cried much less than Harmon did when he got snow in his gloves!
As for the stats, he weighed in at 26.3 pounds and measured 33 3/4 inches. He continues to close the gap on Harmon, who was 28.4 pounds and 34 inches long. He remains two pounds lighter but is only 1/4 inch shorter! His hands and feet, though, are much bigger. Who knows what we have on our hands.