Monday morning at breakfast, after looking at all of the Valentine’s Day cards posted on our card rack:
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Mommy!”
Last Friday at Target:
“Oh my gosh, careful, Mommy, don’t fall down!”
Last Sunday when I was putting on his puffy vest:
NOTE: He hadn’t worn this vest since Halloween day (what a good memory).
Last week after I got out of the shower (please note I was fully covered by a huge towel):
“I see Mommy’s booty!”
Last week when Kevin brought me a brownie square after dinner:
“What’s that?” I answered chocolate and he then said, with hands placed softly at his chest, “Well I like chocolate!”
At totally random times, if he’s sad, he’ll say things like “Harmon is sad” or “Harmon is upset.” He also loves to say “I’ll go back to bed” if he’s not getting what he wants.
We never know what's going to come out of his mouth!