They say when you have kids that you should enjoy every moment because the time truly does go by too fast. Well, this is true, as Harmon seems like a little man right now and Simon is a big boy. But, it doesn't help when your 3-year-old is constantly pressing the fast-forward button on life. An example: This morning when Harmon got out of bed, I told him to take off his pajamas and go to the potty. He was, however, more interested in knowing what pajamas he would be wearing to bed tonight. Innocent enough, you say, but he is always doing this. When it is breakfast, he asks what is for lunch or dinner. When we get home from work/daycare in the late afternoon, he wants to know what is happening the next morning. Don't get me wrong, this really is cute and we get a chuckle out of it. Maybe it is a good sign that he is always thinking ahead. Maybe his Mommy can help him organize his upcoming days and nights, meals and pajamas, etc., into a spreadsheet?