ANYWAY, we did the tour of the press box, suites, administrative offices, clubhouse and dugout and that was very cool. We also shopped all the merchandise (I couldn’t find this cool hat there – they were sold out – so I had to order it) and went through the kids’ areas. Harmon is still a bit too small to get it but, next year, it is on!
All the baseball this weekend got me so excited for the season and I’m hoping we can get to AT LEAST one game per month (not sure with the way tickets are selling). At any rate, as I sit here on a cold and snowy January day in Michigan, I can look forward to this (from the Major League Baseball web site):
February 14, 2008
First date injured players, pitchers and catchers may report to Spring Training
February 19, 2008
First date all players may report to Spring Training
February 26, 2008
Mandatory Spring Training reporting date for all players
Tigers' Baseball 2008 - I can't wait!