If you were anywhere near a TV over the last few months, you had to have seen a commercial for the
new FX series, Dirt, starring Courtney Cox. I swear that during the months of November and December I couldn't watch TV without seeing at least 100 commercials for this thing. I remember telling Kevin that if they just stopped with the ads already, I would watch. Really, I would, so ENOUGH! So, last Wednesday, at 10 p.m., I tuned in. I thought I would give it a try and then maybe flip around during commercials if I was bored. But, FX totally owned me by airing a commercial-free premiere, courtesy of Pontiac (I kind of sound like a NASCAR driving pimping his sponsors). Anyway, I watched it and really liked it. And, when Kevin came upstairs, fresh from his turn on the treadmill, I found out he was watching it too AND he liked it too. So, we set our DVR to do a series recording and we watched the second episode last night. Again, we loved it and we can't wait for next week's episode! I know, we don't get out much!
If you live under a rock and haven’t seen any ads, the gist of the show is that Courtney Cox is an editor of a sleazy tabloid magazine and her best friend is the photographer. There also is a full cast of actors, athletes, etc., that end up in her magazine, one way or another. The acting is pretty decent and the characters are interesting – especially the photographer. And, it's gotten some good reviews from the likes of the Washington Post and the Miami Herald so give it a try.
The only problem so far is that all the pre-premiere commercials featured Peter Gabriel's song, "Digging in the Dirt" and now I can't get it out of my head!