Anyway, for his first-year doctor’s appointment and his first-year evaluation at day care (which we still are in the process of trying to schedule), I had to fill out the Ages & Stages Questionnaire. This form basically tells you more about your child’s development. Kevin brought it home back in November (11/14) and I filled it out that night. One of the questions was about pointing, which, at that point, Harmon wasn’t really doing. But, I swear, no sooner did the damn ink dry in the “No” bubble on that form, did he started pointing at everything and hasn’t stopped since.
The night of our sixth anniversary, you know, when we did something so fun and outrageous like ordering our favorite Chinese take-out, Harmon amazed us by standing up all by himself. Kevin and I were sitting on the couch talking and he just stood up next to his toy bin and then promptly fell right on his little, diapered butt. He hasn’t tried it again lately but I sense there are more attempts to come.
On Tuesday, Dec. 5, apparently we weren’t getting Harmon’s dinner and drink ready fast enough so he crawled over to the open fridge, reached in and grabbed his sippy cup, took a big drink and then put it back on the shelf. Kevin and I both stood there, stunned.

Lastly, we put up our Christmas tree this weekend and were a little nervous as to how Harmon would react. Much to our surprise, there’s no way he could be less interested! Every once in a while, he’ll take a break from playing with his 1,000,000 toy balls and crawl over to the tree. He’ll point at it, and sometimes pet it, talk to it a bit, and then go back to his baby business. It’s really funny. And, tonight, when we were watching the Grinch, he saw the Christmas tree on TV and then pointed to our tree – GENIUS, GENIUS, GENIUS! Just kidding, but I hope he is!
OK, enough Harmon. We saw a commercial for this tonight. Hilarious. Business in front, party in back! Kevin loves ALL the synonyms for the mullet.