Today, I swear to God we went to Target for the third day in a row and I thought Kevin was going to lose it! On Friday, we did our usual trip. Yesterday, I had to go replace a missing bag of scotch tape and gift tags that I needed for wrapping. Today, I realized there was more than I originally thought in that missing bag so I had to go back AGAIN and get a couple of things. Kevin said he felt like it was Groundhog Day! After Target, we went grocery shopping at Kroger (God, I HATE grocery shopping) and then picked out our Christmas tree on the way home.
Overall, we had a nice, relaxing weekend. The only blemish is that Harmon seems to be coming down with yet another day care cold. He’s been working on those two-year molars (they’re all partially through) so he’s had a bit of a runny nose but the crazy-ass coughing starting while we were inside Kroger. I hope this cold is a quick one because the little man wants to get outside and hunt for Santa (check out last year's version of the photo below - so little - I'm sad)!