OK, enough ogling of Russell Crowe! Let’s get back to it. As many of you know, Kevin and I split our Mondays – he works the early shift (7 a.m. – noon) and I work the late shift (12:30-5:30 p.m.). So, Mondays are always a little hard for me as I have to leave Harmon after spending a few fun hours with him in the morning. And, yesterday, he made it even harder.
It’s been a while since he’s taken a nap with us (at LEAST six months). We try every couple of weeks to get him to take a family nap but he wants none of it. Yesterday, though, after we had breakfast and played for hours, I got him all changed and dressed and asked him if he wanted to take a nap with me. He said yes but he’s said yes before so I was skeptical! We got all snuggled up together under the covers and he got comfortable on his Daddy’s pillow and then was snoring within minutes. Initially, I was afraid to open my eyes and look at him as he sometimes has this open-eyed, staring-off-into-space-but-still-awake look but he was dead asleep.

Of course, I wasn’t able to nap with him long as I had to get ready for damn work. So, I moved him into his bed and he took a nice, long nap. I was so sad that I couldn’t enjoy it more. Why a Monday and not a Friday or the weekend? Who knows when he’ll take a break from his busy toddler life to take another nap with us? Everything just goes by way too fast!