Um, yeah, not so much!
He started off shy, which we are used to. I’m on the shy side so I totally understand. But it wasn’t the shyness that was tough to deal with. It was more the fact that he was whining and not listening to a word we (or the teacher) had to say. He was more interested in running around than learning about becoming a big brother. We thought he might become a little more engaged when the teacher busted out the fake babies to play with but he wasn’t at all interested. As a side note, it was funny to see all the little girls holding and cradling their babies while all the little boys were dragging their babies around by the head, arm, leg, etc.! I guess that’s one of the MANY differences between boys and girls!
Anyway, he DID get better (thank God). And the highlight of the night was when the teacher asked what the umbilical cord was. Harmon yelled out “a snake!” Kevin and I died!
By the end, he was brown-nosing the teacher and trying to butter up everyone else too. He’s such a ham! For his hour or so of time, he got a “big brother” button, a certificate for completing the class and a Polaroid of him holding his fake baby (and looking as though there was NO WAY he could be less interested). He did, however, carry that Polaroid around with him the rest of the night!
I just hope he’s a little more engaged once he’s REALLY a big brother – it’s only nine weeks away!