Anyway, on Monday, July 6 – which happened to be the first day of our vacation – we started Simon on a three-meals-a-day schedule. He had cereal and fruit for breakfast; cereal and vegetable for lunch; and fruit and vegetable for dinner. With each meal, he also had a bottle and then had one last bottle before bed. So far, it’s going very well. Let it be known he’s not one to turn down any food. I buy the two-pack tubs of Gerber baby food and he was having a half tub at each meal so we were going through one tub of fruit and one tub of vegetable each day. Since it’s been about a month of this and he’s still ALWAYS hungry, tomorrow we’re upping the intake to one tub at each meal.
His nine-month appointment isn’t until Sept. 4 and we can’t wait to see how much he weighs. I’m thinking he might finally catch big brother.