After the trip to the doctor's office, we visited Schneids at Schembechler Hall. We thought we should get one last visit in before football season starts because, after that, we probably won't see him until January (after we lose another bowl game). It was a busy day at the football building as everyone was prepping for the U-M Football Fan Day. There were some bonus visits from some old Sports Info friends and they got to meet Harmon for the first time. There were even thoughts of Harmon providing a buffer in a dreaded meeting with Coach Carr – how can you be angry with a face like that looking at you! As we waiting for that meeting to end, Harmon and I took a look around the recruiting lounge (maybe he'll end up there one day – he's built like a tight end) at all the history – lots of good stuff!
Prior to Harmon's big day on Friday, he was spared from watching some crappy baseball on Thursday as he stayed with Grandma Laura while Kevin and I went to the White Sox-Tigers game. The Tigers lost 10-0 and it was awful. One theory is that the Sports Illustrated cover jinx in full effect. Another is that it's my fault – they've sucked since my Aug. 8 journal entry. Either way, it needs to get better with no more 5-7-3 putouts written in the scorebook! They won yesterday, though, so maybe that's a start and I just need to calm down!
In other news, we finally broke down and bought Harmon one of those little kiddie pools. Only problem is that ever since we bought it, it hasn't been warmer than 80 degrees. Ah, never fear, though, as college football starts this weekend and it's guaranteed to be 100 freakin' degrees as 108,000 people ROAST in the Big House. Speaking of college football, Kevin and I haven't quite figured out yet what's going on for this season. My Mom is available to watch Harmon for most of Michigan's home games but there are a couple of games that are in doubt, especially this week's home opener against Vanderbilt. I might go by myself (I have no in-state girlfriends that are crazy about football like I am) or we may just sell the tickets and watch it at home. We need to decide quickly, though. Kevin will make up for missing the season opener by joining his two best friends in South Bend for the U-M @ ND game on Sept. 16. I'm not hopeful for this game (we haven't won there since 1994 – I was at that game and it was awesome) but you never know. Hopefully, Kevin will be one of the few happy people in maize and blue after the game.
OK, more updates to come this week, I promise. Two weeks between updates is simply UNACCEPTABLE. In the meantime, I'll make up for it with these gems:
Mr. T cartoon (from Saturday Night Live) - Mr. T needs work!
Awesome video of a heat-seeking trash can during a recent storm at the new Busch Stadium in St. Louis.
Some tunes from good ole' Wesley Willis. The "Cut the Mullet" song HAD to be found after seeing those classic mullet shots of alleged (yeah, right) murderer John Mark Karr! His hair looks like a rat's nest!
Lastly, some Mr. T sound bytes for you, here and here. Don't know what the obsession is with Mr. T lately but it's hilarious. I love this line from Rocky III!