Here are five thinks that kill us:
1. For the longest time, he called marbles narbles. He would tell us he played narbles at school and we were like, um, what? Once we figured out he meant marbles, we explained the difference. Sometimes he still says narbles, just to mess with us.
2. During this past Christmas season, we listened to more than enough Christmas music. He loves to sing (he gets that from me) and I caught him on more than one occasion singing Jingle Bells and saying "oh what fun it is to ride in a one-morse open sleigh." First, I died. Then I explained it was a one-HORSE open sleigh.
3. When he goes to Kroger with Kevin, the highlight for him is getting something from the BENDING machine. Yep, bending instead of vending. Classic.
4. He'll joke around sometimes and say that something is ridicleous. He's close. It's like nuclear and nucular, except Harmon is 4, not an ignorant, middle-aged politician!
5. Finally, my favorite - banklet, which sounds like BANK-A-LET. Obviously, he's trying to say blanket. I was just talking to Kevin about how we should probably tell him how to really say it. But, it's cute how is says it. There's an innocence to banklet and we don't want to let it go!
He says so many other funny things on a daily basis and I need to remember to write them down. This silliness won't last forever!