Sunday, July 24, 2011

T-ball is done for the summer

Wednesday, July 20 was Harmon’s last t-ball game of the season and he was a little sad. Here’s our awesome conversation about it:

Harmon: I’m sad that t-ball is over.

Mommy: Well, don’t be sad, you can play again next spring.

Harmon: But I’m also sad that I have to put my t-ball stuff away.

Mommy: No, you can keep playing with it and, each year, we’ll get you more and more stuff. And then, one day, you’ll be as good as those guys that play on TV.

Harmon: Well, I AM going to be playing on TV.

Mommy: Oh, really, what will you be doing?

Harmon: I’ll be HITTING!

I hope so, big guy, I hope so!