Kevin’s parents were in town, along with his brother, Steve, sister-in-law, Kim, and nieces, Kourtney and Katelyn. My sister, Stacey, and her fiancĂ©, Marc, also were in from Chicago and they joined my parents and sister, Erin. And, speaking of our families, because of so many issues related to fair representation from both sides, we decided that Simon would have the same godparents – Steve and Stacey – as Harmon did. It’s worked out well for Harmon so we thought it would be fine for Simon too!
After all the serious stuff, we headed to Buddy’s Pizza for an awesome lunch and yummy cake (thanks, Mom and Dad)! While this party was for Simon, he basically slept through all of it. Harmon, on the other hand, was a total ham and he had a great time with everyone.
Later that night, we opened all of Simon’s gifts and he amassed quite a stash! Even though I’m working on the OFFICIAL thank you notes, I would like to thank everyone not just for the gifts but, more importantly, for taking the time to be there for Simon for his first sacrament!