Two weeks ago, Harmon had his first school photos taken. His day care hires a photographer to come out twice a year to get photos of the kids. While I'm sure it's not easy to corral 70 kids under the age of five AND get them to sit still for a photo (getting them to smile is a bonus), I have a sneaky suspicion they get paid pretty well. Maybe I suspect that because I had to pay $60 for four sheets of photos! These people have a good gig going, they know parents can't resist photos of their kids so they just fork over the cash without even thinking about it.

Anyway, here are the photos (they are scanned so the quality sucks). I think they turned out OK, although I will dress Harmon in something different next year. I wasn't sure how this whole thing worked (rookie) so I just sent him in a polo shirt and shorts (nice denim shorts, dude). I didn't want to let him wear (and subsequently ruin) anything really nice and I didn't want to saddle the teachers with having to change his clothes so we just went with the casual look. Plus, Aunt Stacey is taking his two-year photos in a few weeks so we'll rock the more formal look then.