We bought Harmon a potty chair about a month ago with the intentions is simply getting him used to it. One thing that triggered this purchase was the fact that he tells us "poo poo" when he's doing just that in his diaper. To build on this, when we're in the bathroom, we try to explain that Mommy and Daddy are going potty too so he has some kind of clue. Over the past couple of weeks, after he's said "poo poo," we've been sitting him on the potty chair just so he can get used to the feel of it. And, quite frankly, we've been pretty happy with the fact that he doesn't hate it. But, yesterday, he had a breakthrough when my Mom was with him. He told her he had to go so she got the potty chair and sat him on it. My Mom distracted him from the difficult task at hand with a book and the TV and, after a short while, he actually went #1 and #2 in the potty! She was stunned and called me and then I was stunned and called Kevin who also was stunned!
I know it doesn't mean he's going to do it all the time from now on but it's a big step – one we need to build on. We've decided to try at least once a day if/when he tells us and then just see how it goes. Maybe it was a fluke but it can't hurt to go with it. I must admit, though, that although we were SO proud of him for his potty chair efforts yesterday, we all were a little sad too. This is just another reminder that he's growing up so fast!