Sunday, July 15, 2007

For Those About to Rock

About two months ago, Harmon learned to turn on Kevin’s alarm clock (see photo at left), which always is set to 101.1 FM (WRIF) – the only rock station in Detroit. Every time he turned it on, there was some kick-ass song on so we taught him to say “ROCK!” Now, every time we turn on ANY radio – in the house or in the car – he says “ROCK!” He loves all kinds of music, from nursery rhymes to Springsteen to Eminem to AC/DC, and it’s so fun to see him come alive and sing and dance when a song comes on. This morning, he turned to me and said “Rock, Mama” when we were listening to his music CDs. I hope this love of music continues, well as long as it doesn’t include country music!