Yesterday, Harmon cut his first tooth (or yesterday was the first time we saw it)! I stopped home to grab some lunch after working a morning event and my Mom was all excited about it. She found it as she was rocking him before his morning nap. So, one lower, right tooth just two days shy of his six-month birthday! Although we prefer the gummy grin, I can't say we were surprised. He's been drooling like a St. Bernard for months and EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. His favorite teething apparatus has been his right foot – he just can't get enough! Harmon and his feet go together like peas and carrots. They're like two peas in a pod. They can't be separated. We've been walking in on him and his feet saying things like "so sorry to interrupt" or "don't want to break anything up." One night, Kevin said he was going to check hotwire.com to get a room for Harmon and his feet! All and all, it's great that he loves his feet. They keep him occupied for MINUTES at a time – minutes where we're actually able to get a few things done! Harmon has his six-month doctor's appointment tomorrow so check back over the weekend for an update. We'll be starting real solid foods (as opposed to just rice and/or oatmeal cereal) and the doctor says we can even start to try a sippy cup. So, things will get interesting!
In other news, my sister,
Erin, went out and got a job already. So much for screwing around for a while after graduation – she didn't even wait two weeks! She interviewed Tuesday day and got offered the job Tuesday night so I guess she made a good impression. She'll start her new job as a copy writer at a company called Versacom (located in Dearborn) as soon as she gets a car!
Lastly, Kevin went to visit some of our old friends from U-M Athletic Media Relations yesterday. And much to our surprise (really), the biggest servers of the U-M cornbread are starting to doubt the recipe AND it's ingredients. Some members of the staff are looking to jump to the pro ranks because, at least with those teams, the "goal is to win." I guess winning isn't stressed too much anymore in the athletic department, which isn't good. You already can see the effects and that makes for a scary future if you're a Michigan fan – ugh!
Not to bring anyone down but I
saw this report last night on ABC's Nightline and it was so sad!
On a lighter note,
check out this video. Kevin loves it!