Even though Harmon was a bit under the weather, we made our way to Three Cedars Farm in Northville and had a great time. The first thing we did was get cider and donuts and both were excellent. Harmon didn’t like either so that left more for me and Kevin (luckily we had starved ourselves all day in anticipation). After our snack, we took a tractor/hay ride (or, as Harmon says, bumpy tractor ride) out to the pumpkin patch. As an aside, there was a HUGE corn maze there too but we decided not to push it with Harmon (we might go back later this fall). We wandered the field for a while looking for a nice pumpkin and finally found one. This search ended so much better than last year! We then took the tractor/hay ride back to the main farm area where we took some pictures of Harmon on an older tractor. He just loves those things (he is all boy)!
I think Harmon might have had a little more fun if he felt better but maybe we’ll go back. If we don’t get back there during the fall, we learned they also are open during the Christmas season!