The best part about Thursday, aside from the yummy Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Light I get on my way into work, is leaving to get Harmon on Thursday afternoon. The minute the clock hits 5:30 p.m., I am out and nothing can stop me. I all but run to the car and, one day, I KNOW I'm going to get a speeding ticket going over the Broadway Bridge as I'm pretty sure the wheels don't touch the ground. I get so excited to go get him – like a kid on Christmas morning, like a kid the night before a trip to Disneyland. It's such an amazing feeling!
I feel much the same way on Tuesdays. Although Kevin does pick-up duty on Tuesdays, I get SO excited the second I know they are together on their way to get me. I can't focus from 5 p.m. (when Kevin leaves work) to 5:30 p.m. (when they arrive to get me) because of the excitement. I just can't wait to see his little face, to know how his day went, and, most importantly, to get him home and play with him.
I like my time at work as it makes me feel like an actual, productive human being. I also think the fact that I have a career will make me a better Mom in the long run. And, the big bonus is that the time I spend away from him (while I'm at work) makes me appreciate so much more the time I spend with him!