Halloween is a pretty big deal for us. We start decorating the MINUTE fall arrives, with the highlight being the pumpkin lights in our front yard - the lights the boys love to go see every time to we arrive home.
When the boys aren't visting or talking about the pumpking lights, it's all about their costumes. This year, they went as Tom and Jerry. Yes, it's kind of old school but Harmon started digging on Tom and Jerry one weekend when he was at my parents' house. My Dad had a DVD of old episodes and Harmon ate it up! And the idea was born. Because they ARE rather old school, I wasn't sure if I could find costumes but wbshop.com saved me from having to make them. Or, let's be real here, saved me from finding something else. You see, I lack the skill and the patience (and the time) to MAKE a costume. I do feel bad about it, though, as MY MOM used to make all of our costumes. Ah, guilt.
ANYWAY ... on Halloween, once Harmon transformed into Tom, Simon couldn't wait to become Jerry. And the minute they had their costumes on, they were ready to go. Harmon, who is a bit on the shy side, did great this year. He showed no signs of shyness - amazing what candy can do. And, Simon, never a shy one, busted onto the scene for his first walking trick or treat session. He kept up with his big brother most of the night and they both brought in a nice haul of candy (for Mom and Dad).
To be honest, I did get misty-eyed seeing them standing at the door together saying trick or treat (and Simon doing so in the cutest little voice) and then thanking each person for the candy. We got lots of compliments not only on their costumes but also on their politenss, which, of course, makes you feel good. Here's to many Halloweens down the road with both of them happily pounding the streets for treats!
Addendum I: On the Friday before Halloween, Kevin - being the completely awesome Dad that he is - took the morning off so he could take Harmon to meet up with his classmates for story time at the Ann Arbor District Library and trick or treating in downtown Ann Arbor. So as not to ruin his Tom costume, he dusted off the old hedgehog from a couple of years ago. I think the best part of the day was the BUS RIDE they took to get there - Harmon is still talking about. All in all, he had an awesome day and Kevin is the best for making the time to take him.
Addendum II: Harmon has requested that he and Simon go as Snoopy and Woodstock next year. We'll see if that sticks! It would be so cute and I'm totally in favor of it but Harmon has been known to change his mind before. After Halloween 2009, he wanted to be a mummy and then a vampire and he ended up as Tom so ... I don't know what's going to happen!