As for the kids, Harmon seems to be fine with it. Now, he just gets to spend more time watching the garbage trucks (Tuesdays are our garbage days). Simon, however, has had it a little rough. The breaks between the days the boys go to school are longer now – they go on Mondays and Thursdays instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays – and he’s having some issues adjusting. The teachers have explained to me that he just gets very sad and then he’ll cry if he’s alone for too long. They say he brightens right back up so it’s not a prolonged thing but it still makes ME sad to think about him being sad. I spoke with the teachers and the director and they all thought maybe an extra few hours a week at school will help (evidently another part-timer was having the same issues and it worked for her). We were SUPPOSED to try this a few weeks ago but he got a cold so we delayed it. So, today, Kevin so graciously gave up his Tuesday afternoon with both boys and dropped Simon off at school. I don’t want him to be sad at school so we will do this if we have to BUT I would much rather have him at home doing fun things with his Dad and brother. I don’t think it’s necessary and I also don’t see how just a few hours are going to help things but we’ll see. I’m just hoping it’s a phase and he’ll grow out of it.