We spent the Easter weekend with Kevin's family in Illinois and they were floored at how he has grown and all he has learned. Although Kevin's Dad saw him in February (when he was up here tirelessly working on our basement), Kevin's Mom hadn't seen him since Christmas. So, needless to say, she had a good time with him. They got him a ton of stuff, including lots of balls and books, which are his favorite things in the world. And, more importantly, they got to spend a lot of time with him. We were able to get out a bit too on Saturday as we went to see Blades of Glory – hilarious! I know, we're Will Ferrell junkies – what can we say. On Sunday, after Mass, we went to Kevin's aunt's house for his family's Easter celebration. There were a million people there (like his cousins Kourtney and Katelyn, above) but that didn't seem to matter much to Harmon. He walked and played wherever he wanted, no matter who was in his way. He played so hard, though, that he tired himself out and completely slept through the annual Easter egg hunt that Kevin's family does for all the kids. It was really cold out and he's probably still pretty clueless about Easter so I don't think he missed too much!
One of Harmon's Easter presents from his Grandpa and Grandma Bergquist was the book, "Where's Spot?" And boy does he love this book! Since getting it last Friday night, I swear that we've all read it AT LEAST five million times each! When he gets it and comes walking toward you with it in his hand saying "read, read," get ready to read it a few (thousand) times.
Although it probably didn't sound like it just now, we are THRILLED that he loves to read!