Thursday, October 20, 2011


My friend Alec says he’s never seen children photographed quite as much as ours. And, to drive home his point, we have more than 3,800 photos on our Flickr page. So, when the time comes to get “official” photos of the boys, you would think it would be no big deal. But, it is! Harmon is actually easy. You tell him to smile, he does, click, great pic. And, together, they’re usually pretty good. Sometimes, though, Harmon will get Simon going and then we’ll have to intervene and start all over. So, the wild card here is Simon. He’s either “all in” or “all out.”

Well, my sister, Stacey, kindly agreed to chase them around again this year for their official 6YO and 3YO photos, with an assist from Nana. We chose Island Park in Ann Arbor as the backdrop simply because of THIS PICTURE. I know it was October, not January but still … ANYWAY, I think they turned out great and here’s a sampling:

All this picture taking got Harmon ready for this first official school photo just a few days later. I hope those turned out just as well!