Morsel; moist; fresh; succulent; veggies; robust; fragrance; luscious; panties; creamy; fixins' (or any other word that is supposed to end with "-ing" but people end with "-in" instead); comfort food; buttery; slacks; ciao; fabulous; medley (like vegetable medley); soft drink, soda or soda pop (it's POP, damn it); brunch (hate the word and hate the whole idea); Italian (with a long stress on the "I" – said like EYE-talian); asparagus tips (can't it just be asparagus?); to die for; hoity toity; narthex; malk (it's MILK); tasty; vehicle (with the heavy stress on the "h"); meal; and scrumptious.
In addition to the words I hate, here is a partial list of other things I hate:
People who chew ice or hard candy; people who talk with their mouths full (like the resident of the White House – as if I could hate him more); people who make mouth noises (sucking, loud gum chewing/popping, sloshing, gulping, sipping, etc.); people who hold their cup of coffee with two hands like it's a damn hand warmer; people who enjoy their food way too much (and make grunting, moaning, "What about Bob" noises while they eat it); people who "want a bite" of other people's food; people who put an "s" on the end of any store, restaurant, etc. (like Krogers, Meijers, Farmer Jacks, Ruby Tuesdays, JC Penneys, etc.); Walmart; Pepsi; and Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and other clowns like them.
And, while we're at it, he's a list of obnoxious mispronounced words:
Chimley (chimney); irregardless (regardless); breafas (breakfast); nucular (nuclear); orientate (orient); lacksadaisical (lackadaisical); athaletic (athletic); expecially (especially); realitor (realtor); supposably (supposedly); expresso (espresso); terrists (terrorists); and strategery (strategy).
Lastly, here are a few words or phrases I DO like:
Cat's pajamas; go bananas; scurvy; jobbie nooner; broad; whore; youngster; choco (for chocolate); poppie (for pop); fool; clown; apeshit; lollygag; shenanigans; antics; creep; Internets/interwebs; and jibber jabber.
OK ... so ... enough of that. If you haven't watched this yet, you should. And, check out this and this, just for old time's sake!