Once I got it home and cleaned it all up, it started cracking out. It would go off with one of its crazy noises, like "weeeeeeeeee," without any prompting from Harmon or us. So, it didn't take long for this toy to get banished where it still would go off ALL THE TIME. Early this past Monday morning, I finally reached the end of my rope with this damn thing. At 2:45 a.m., I heard a chorus of "weeeeeeeeees" from the living room. After getting over my initial fright (what the hell was that?), I marched into the living room, retrieved the toy from its cold, dark corner and removed – with more precision that I thought I could muster in the wee (ha, ha) hours – the screws that held the battery compartment. I kept the batteries (Harmon has other more battery-worthy toys), threw the toy in the trash and then lumbered back down the hall and crawled under the covers. Kevin says I will hear ghost "weeeeeeeeees" forever since I sent the toy to an early death.
On a lighter note, Harmon is freakin' 10 MONTHS' OLD today. Can you believe it? I might have to get him a new toy to replace the one I killed. He REALLY liked this one yesterday when we saw it at Kohl's. I sat him on the floor and played it for him and he was grooving to it. It was so cute.