Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I know our next child will be a girl

WHEN Kevin and I are ready for child #2 (it won't be until Harmon is AT LEAST 3 so don't even get any ideas), I already know it will be a girl. You may ask how I know this – well, here's a little tale!

We were at the mall on Saturday to get Harmon's hair cut (again). It was a gorgeous day outside so I couldn't understand why the mall was overrun with teenage girls. But, whatever. Anyway, as we passed by a group of particularly skanky and very scantily clad girls, I blurted out the following:

"When I see girls like that, I want to go straight to the doctor to have my tubes tied so there's no chance we'll ever have a daughter."

Yep, this pretty much sealed the deal!

But, maybe, just maybe, there is SOME hope. My Mom managed to raise three girls who turned out to be the anti-mall skanks so maybe some of that parenting will surface in me when baby girl Bergquist is born!