Monday, September 26, 2011

Harmon's 2011 trip to the Big House

While I had planned to take Harmon to the Eastern Michigan game, I was not about to take him up in the club seats. 5 years old and ALREADY up in the club - no way. So, Kevin and I did the club thing and, a week later, Harmon scored the San Diego State game.

It was a perfect day and Harmon was excited to get inside and see the new scoreboards. Kevin dropped us off at the corner of Main and Stadium and we headed in. On the way to our seats in Section 19 (which is awesome, for many reasons, including NEVER having a line to get in), we stopped to get him his food. He LOVES getting food and, this time, rocked a hot dog, popcorn and a bottle of water. He was really into the game and was cheering and yelling on his own most of the time. The people in the seats next to us never showed up so he had a nice seat cushion to sit on and a lot of room to move around.

With a few minutes to go in the half, though, he started asking me when the team was going to take their break and go into the tunnel. Then he started counting down the minutes. I could tell he was getting a little bored so we decided to leave at the half. I would rather have a half game of a good experience for him than a whole game of a bad experience.

On our way out, we visited our brick and got some pictures. Kevin and Simon met us outside the stadium and then we got even more pictures. Overall, a good day (and a win) and another fun trip to the Big House for Harmon.